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Tl.e American Legion, 02/03C2 posts within their districts about the request for veterans and their families, but also the active-
leoion.ora donations. "When we get the call to help out, we dutycomponent."
step up and do it," he said. "The servicemembei.s
When the Amen.can Legion Family is called into don't have a whole lot of provisions that makes The National Guard unit commander said he
action, they respond. This response was visible their day-to-day living a little more bearable." was going to separate the items in the packages
in the American Legion Department of Florida when they arrived. So instead of addressing
when members from three districts sent care From his experience Of deployments, Castro care packages to individual servicemembers,
packages to U.S. 5ervicemembers serving in identified the items needed for the care items were packaged separately to allow
Ukraine to bring them the comfort of home. servicemembers to take what they needed. In
peckages. Items collected included hygiene
"My heart is really Into this because I was products (deodora nt, bar soap, toothbrush/ each care package, Castro left his business card
toothpaste, I ip ba lm, sham poo/conditioner, and a copy of The American Legion Magazine.
deployed multiple times, so I understand what foot powder), food (protein bars, jerky, trail mix, He also wrote a letter on behalf of the American
it means to be connected back home. One of individually wrapped crackers and cheese or Legion Department of Florida that inclucled the
the great ways is to receive a package from website address of the department and national.
peanut butter, meat in foil packets) energy drink
folks back home,"said Johnny Castro, Florida's mixes, hand warmers, candy, gum, playing cards,
southern area district commander, who retired puzzles and games. The care packages were shipped at no cost by
from the U.S. Army in 2016 with deployments Project Holiday of Delray Beach, Fla., which ships
to Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait, and lead the care Donations were brought to Di5tn.ct 11 's meeting care packages to deployed servicemembers.
peckage project. at Post 268 in Riviera Beach on Jan. 22, where Even though they normally ship over the
they were packaged by members of the Legion, holiclays,Castrosaid,`1.heythoughtthiswas
Castro was recently contacted by the Sons of The Amen.can Legion, Auxiliary and another opportunity to help out our deployed
commander of a Florida National Guard Riders. Enough donations were collected to personnel. So they are funding the cost of
unit that is serving in Ukraine to see lf The
package 65 care boxes. "lt was incredible. Really shipping.„
Amel.ican Legion could support his unit of 165 impactful," Castro said. "One of the reasons why
servicemembers. Castro responded, "Absolutely." I joined The American Legion was because it's Castro is a recipient of a care package from
a great organization that creates more impact Project Holiday. While deployed, they shipped
Castro reached out to the three district than the other organizations that I also belong 250 care packages to his until of about 195. "lt
commanders (Districts 9,11 and 14) in his area to. It's the different programs in The American really didn't matter what was in the box,. he
about collecting supplies for the care packages. Legion and the way that it creates outreach said. `All that mattered was that we knew it was
He had everyone send out messages to the within the community to support not only oilr coming from home. And that's all we needed."