P. 7
Boseball Is ln The Air
Ttry Phfllfro Baseball positioned to add another 10+ teams to the the contact list for myself and your Area
basebaH@Ieatonmail.ore Department of Florida Baseball Program. commissioners, also you will see all of tlie
March is a great time of upcoming important dates and information
Any post that is wanting to start a Legion for our baseball program.
year as we transition into
springtime activities. team this season, please contact your Area
Commissioner or me directly and we will be Thank you for your support of this vital
Team registration for available to help you get started. Americanism Program.
Senior and Junior Teams
is open and we continue You can go to the floridaamerlcanlegion.
to trend up as we are website (our Department
Baseball website) where you can find
LLesMart!n,Chlldren&Youth Register soon! Remember, send your checks, them and bring it over.
cvaleaionmall.ora registration, and sponsorship forms to SAL
The time is riinning Squadron 325, 3412 HWY 301 N -Unit 103, We already have a commitment from the
Ellenton, Florida 34222. Checks should be Riders in the Jacksonville area to do a
out. Our Children &
made payable to Squadron 325 and don't ride-in for the Picnic. I would like to see
Youth Golf Tournament
forget to put ''C&y Go/f' in the memo. Riders from other areas of the state also do
and Picnic is fast
a ride-jn. Folks love to see (and hear) the
approaching. (April 9,
The Children & Youth Picnic is also on April motorcycles arrive. I will be attending as
2022) This will be the
9th. We need raffle baskets. We are asking many Disti.ict meetings as possible in March
last newsl etter before
the events. The cut-off all Posts, Units, Squadrons, and Chapters to to promote our activities and let you know
for hole sponsorships provide a basket. Last year we had over 50 what the Childi.en & Youth is all about.
baskets thanks to our Auxiliary Department
is March 25, 2022. A Gold Sponsor is $325
Officers who brought a trailer load that they I know this article is short, but I am putting
and you get 4 golfers and a hole sign. The
had collected from Units around the state. If all my efforts into these upcoming events.
Silver Sponsor is $100 for a hole sign and
golfers only are $70 peJ golfer ($280 for you are going to Titusville for the Picnic and We need to make them a success for the
a foursome). Come on Folks, we can't there is a Post near that is not going, please kids of Florida.
ask them if you can pick up a basket from
have a Golf Tournament without golfers.
Daryl Bass, Law & Order January 25, 2022 them, officials said. One was immediately
laworder@Ieaionmail.ora Three Baltimore, Maryland fi refighters were pulled from the fire and transported to
killed on Monday after part of a vacant the hospital, where he remained in critical
I noticed that several of
Balti mole rowhouse collapsed, trapping condition on Monday afternoon. Two other
my Legion Link articles
in the past have been them inside as they battled a blaze, the firefighters were removed from the fire
about Law Enforcement authorities said. and taken to the hospital, where they were
Officers. I guess this pronounced dead. A third fire fighter was
A fourth firefighter, in critical condition after found dead at the scene.
is mainly due to the
the fire, was upgraded to fair condition on
fact that I am a retired "From this moment, we will honor those
Deputy Sheriff. I don't Tuesday, they said.
who lost their lives today for their bravery,
mean to show them
The Baltimore Fire Department responded for their courage for their love and
injustice in their profession which is like Law •to a call just before 6 at a three-story
Enforcement more of a calling then a job. compassion for this great city, and for the
home about two miles west of downtown Fire Department as well," Chief Ford said.
Both occupations are extremely dangerous.
Baltimore, Chief Niles Ford said at a news
I came across this article on the internet and
conference on Monday afternoon. He said in a statement on Thursday that he
I felt I should write about it as an example of
visited the fou rth firefighter, John MCMaster,
just how dangerous being a Firefighter can
be. After the flrefighters became trapped, creus in the hospital and that his condition had
had to remove piles of debris to extricate Law&Ordercontinuedonpage8>>