P. 6

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                <<WestemMembershipcontinuedfrompages  receive a Gold coin (for the Team) and Plaque  Manual. So keep up the hard work, and
           Membership (Gold & Silver) have been  (for the post), the deadline is May llth.  both the individual and Post's Membership
           awarded as already delivered.                                         Team is recognized for their efforts.
                                              No form is needed, Department will verify it.
           But there is another award with a coin                                No work with great labor (Non-opus sine  +
                                             Thei.e are many other Awards, Ribbons &
           issued to the Post's Membership Team,                                 magna labor)
                                              Certificates listed in th is year's Membership
           achie`/ing 103% or more. Your Team will
          Nortl\ern Area Ball New Diite
          TtoyHorsleyl\IorthemArea           TThesearejustafewthingstotakeinto   legislation that the needs of our
          northernarea@Ieaionmail.ore         consideration.                     veterans. Your support made a difference
                         Attent]on! Attentlon!                                   to our members in Congress. The 4th, 5th
                                             The Northern Area has been very busy.
                         The Northern Area Ball  District 3 facilitated an awesome visitation  and  17th District completed their Oratorical
                         l`as been changed to                                    competitions and produced great candidates
                                             w/ith the Department Commander. While
                         April 9, 2022. Please  visiting each Of the posts, the commander  for the area competition that was held on
                         see the flyer included.                                 the  19th. I'm looking forward to introducing
                                              received great insights on post concerns.
                                                                                 our winning Northern Area competitor to
                                              He listened to the information provided
                         Happy March to you all.                                 compete at Department March 12, 2022.
                         I hope you are doing  and has been working with Department
                                              Headquarters to try and fix as many issues  Finally, but most importantly are our March
                         well. Posts elections
                         are coming up and   as possible. Another consistent question  events. M arch .is Women's History Month,
          require your immediate attention.  Elections  w/as on the Constitution and Bylaws. A  let's celebrate them and especially our
          at posts can sometimes become very  dclesignated committee is working on revising  women veterans. District 4 will be hosting
          controversial and cause issues that can hurt  the Constitution and Bylaws for Department.  the Department Commander. District 5 has
                                             \^le are hoping to get the recommended  an American Legion night scheduled for the
          your post.  please take this time to prepare
          for a good and fair election. Review your  replacement out soon. As was evident  sixth Jacksonville Iceman Game.There are
                                             from most Of the posts, there are problems  due dates coming for your programs, at your
          Constitution and Bylaws, as well as your
                                             identified with processing membership and
          post's rules. You can appoint an election/                             posts that support your community, to be
          nomination committee to I.eview and clarify  iissues with MVLLeaion.ora. I hope that we  owareof..JROTCcadetoftheYearscholarship,
          any ambiguous differences, if necessary,  can also get this resolved soon. Department  General5cholarship,EaglescoutoftheYear,
          then get membership to vote on their  hhasbeenworkingwithNationaltohelpthis  and Boys State Registration.
          recommendations. Publicize your specified
                                                                                 Do not forget to work membership as our
          dates and times for your election. Streamline  Thanks to all who went to the Manch on  90% goal is on the ninth. Hope to catch you
          and define what the process ls going to be  7dMwhassee. They got the message loud and  at one of our events.
          if you are having early or absentee voting.
                                             clear that the Legion is going to be behind
           Western Area
           Jot`n Edens, Western Area         prepped for our Oratorical candidate to go  with potential record candidates for our
           westernarea@leaionmail.ora        to the Department competition in March.  area.  It looks like Western Area will have
                          +-Area             Our selected candidate has been practicing  4rg -45 candidates this yeai; so de a great
                          c~toshine          diligently and we wish him the best at the  job Of selecting the best.  Hopefully, we will
                                             Departm ent com petition.           have a National Oratorical candidate out Of
                          in the great state Of
                                                                                 our area again this year.
                          Florida.  Our Posts  Our vlslt by the Department Commander
                          are moving forunrd  (in 1 st District) in February went extremely  Lastly, our membershlp drive is coming
                          in programs and    well.  Commander Biandt was quite   along well, but now is the time to really
                          nnembership. EL    impressed with the thirteen Posts he visited
                          trfunkvouenouh     for all their hard work on programs and for  push for recruiting new members.  Please
                                                                                 use the help Of the 400 and 208 sign-ups in
                                             the community.  He emphasized that our  ysur area.  Put these Department members
           events vou have excelled in the bast eiaht
                                             Posts need to submit for Department awards  (Post 400) and Vlrtual members (Post 208)
                                             in March.                           in your monthly emails and invite them in.
           Now, in January and February, we have  Boys State Program is coming along well
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