P. 6


                                                  VITAL FOR PATIENT PRIVACY
                      The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) is a U.S. law
                      designed to provide standards to protect patients’ medical records and other
                      health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care

                      •  FCS has a legal and ethical                •  You are not permitted to use any
                         responsibility to safeguard the                FCS computer or information
                         privacy of all patients and patient            technology systems or devices for
                         information.                                   personal use.
                      •  As a volunteer, you may come               •  You are required to sign and
                         in contact with confidential                   date the FCS Foundation
                         information. You are only to access            Confidentiality Agreement
                         and use this information when                  and comply with all terms and
                         it is necessary to perform your                conditions included in this form.
                         volunteer service. You must not                By signing this agreement you
                         discuss confidential information               understand that violation of
                         where others can overhear the                  the Confidentiality Agreement
                         conversation.                                  may result in disciplinary action,
                      •  You must not disclose or discuss               including suspension and/or loss
                         confidential information with                  of privileges, up to termination of
                         others, including friends or family            your volunteer services.
                         who do not have a need to
                         know that information. It is not
                         acceptable to discuss confidential
                         information, even if the patient’s
                         name is not used.

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