Page 320 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
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1988a, 36; Ma Xiaohong 1988b, 38). It is probably on the basis of this edition
that later the Liizu zhi g:f.EI. ,J;; (Monograph of Ancestor Lii; CT 1484) was
compiled and included in the 1607 supplement to the Daozang.
2. The Ming edition included in"the Daoshu quanji :@iI~~ (Complete
Collection of Books on the Dao), edited by Yan Hezhou ~liHH from
Jinling ~ ~ (near Nanjing, Jiangsu) in 1591.
3. The 1636 edition by Lii Yijing g - ~~ in ten juan (also preserved at the
N aikaku bunko).
4. The edition preserved at the Tenri Library of Nara in eight juan, the
last of which is missing (see Ozaki Masaharu 1986a, lO8, and Mori Yuria
Contents. Based on Yang Liangbi's reprint, the content of the eight juan is as
follows. The first juan contains the Zhenren ziji ~ A El ~c (Personal Records
by the Perfected), the Zhenren benzhuan Ji;A 4s:{i (Original Biography of the
Perfected) and the Zhenzhongji tt ~ ~c (Notes Kept Inside the Pillow). These
three works are also included in the Liizu zhi 0. 1) under the title Shiji zhi $
tfJL~, (Records of Accomplishments), with the addition of the Yunfang shishi
zhenren ~ JJj-+ ~;g A (Ten Trials of the Perfected by Yunfang) and the Zhenren
shiwen Yunfang ~ A + rl:t~ ~ JJj- (Ten Questions of the Perfected to Yunfang).
The content of the Zhenren benzhuan also appears with some modifications
in the first ten stories reported in the Chunyang dijun shenhua miaotongji ~ ~
*;g f$ (Chronicle of the Divine Transformations and Wondrous
Powers of the Imperial Lord of Pure Yang; CT 305) as well as in the *Liizu
quanshu (Complete Writings of Ancestor Lii).
The second juan contains more than seventy stories on miracles and traces
left by Lii Dongbin when he appeared in the world. Most of them are also
found in the first part of the Liizu zhi 0. 2-3), in the Chunyang dijun shenhua
miaotongji, and in the Liizu quanshu.
The remaining juan contain more than 230 poems, chants and ballads that
are also included in the second part of the Liizu zhi 0. 4-6), entitled Yiwen
zhi ~)Cit (Literary Writings), as well as in the Liizu quanshu. Some of the
pentasyllabic and heptasyllabic liishi f=ltB and jueju i.@.1D are also found in the
Chunyang zhenren hunchengji ~~Ji;Ar'nlt~ (Anthology of the Perfected
of Pure Yang, "Confused and yet Complete"; CT lO5S) and in the Quan Tang
shi ~J!B (Complete Poems of the Tang).
m Boltz J. M. 1987a, 67, 141- 43; Ma Xiaohong 1988a; Ma Xiaohong 1988b;
Mori Yuria 1990; Mori Yuria 1992a
* Lii Dongbin