Page 322 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 322


                       Fig. 26.  Egress of the Spirit (chushen). *Xingmingguizhi '/'t11'P~ §'
                      (Principles of Balanced Cultivation of Inner Nature and Vital Force).

             by the expression 'beyond the body there is another body" (shenwai you shen
             :!1t )'~ ~ :!1t), signifying that a spiritual body is born from the material body that
             is no longer related to the aggregation of the Five Agents (*wuxing). Released
             from transmigration, this body is one with the Dao, is equal to space, and has
              the same life span as Heaven and Earth.
                The departure of the Spirit from the body is attested by the opening of the
             sinciput (tianmen 7( ~~, the Gate of Heaven), from which the Spirit egresses
              (see fig.  26). Neidan  texts often describe this experience as  heralded by the
              appearance of a circle of light, ambrosial fragrances, and sounds resembling
              the rumble of thunder. This ultimate accomplishment, in which all effort
              ceases and the Spirit engages in ecstatic flights (shenyou :f$:im:), should not be
              confused with the egress of the Yin Spirit (chuyinshen t±\ ~:f$) .  In  the latter
              instance, the Spirit leaves the body but has not yet been entirely sublimated.
              This inferior practice is regarded as equivalent to a transfer into a corpse or
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