Page 456 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 456
test Fei's worthiness to re-
ceive the Dao that confers
immortality. He success-
fully passed the first two
tests: by not showing fear
when left alone with tigers
and by not moving when
a huge rock that was sus-
pended above his head on a
flimsy cord was about to be
gnawed through by snakes.
However, Fei recoiled from
the third ordeal-eating
excrement infested with
inch-long worms. Hugong
responded that although
he could not attain the Dao
of immortality he could
.h receive earthly power and
gain several hundred years
of life.
Fei is credited with pos-
sessing a powerful talisman
with which he could con-
Fig. 33. Fei Changfang enters his gourd.
trol demons, enabling him
to effect cures through ex-
orcism. He was also able to "shrink the veins of the earth" so that one thousand
li of territory could be viewed at one time and to relieve drought.
Fei also receives a biography in Hou Hanshu (History of the Later Han) which
is very similar to that in Shenxian zhuan. However, it ends on a rather different
note: on losing his talisman Fei is set upon and murdered by ghosts.
Benjamin PENNY
m Campany 2002, 161-68; DeWoskin 1983, 77-81; Giles L. 1948,79-81; Ngo
1976, I28-34; Stein R. A. 1990, 66-70