Page 6 - Publicationstory2_Neat
P. 6

Chapter 3

                    Alas, the day they had been anxiously awaiting was here.  It was

          Saturday and the sun was shining brightly in a clear, blue sky.  Marla

          jumped out of bed and went to find her brother.  She hoped that he was

          up and just as excited as she.  She hopped, skipped and sang all the way

          to his room.  She stopped just outside the door, startled and surprised as

          she could hear the sound of someone crying. “Oh no” she said out loud.

          “Marly must be scared and nervous.” She quietly opened the door and

          stepped inside.  Sure enough, there was Marly sitting on the bed, with

          tears rolling down his cheeks.  “ What’s wrong?” she asked.  “ Mum says

          I caaaan….not leaaaa ….ve the house because I have a sliii..ght fever”,

          Marly said through sobs.  Marla felt sad and wanted to cry but seeing

          how her brother felt,  she walked over to the window, her mind and

          thoughts racing.

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