Page 18 - NOLASky_OfferingMemorandum_GSP
P. 18

Financial Analysis

                Operating Assumptions                                                                                             Untrended

                Revenue                           Units            SF            Total SF          Rent PSF        Rent/Unit/Mo     Annual Rent
                  2 Bed/2 Bath                    120           1,056 SF       126,720 SF            1.46             1,542          2,220,134
                  3 Bed/2 Bath                     40           1,317 SF        52,680 SF            1.25             1,646           790,200

                Apartment Revenue                 160           1,121 SF       179,400 SF           $1.40            $1,568         $3,010,334
                  Other Income                  $/Month                           $114         % of units paying      100%            218,880
                Potential Gross Income                                                                                              $3,229,214
                  (-) Vacancy Factor            % of PGI                           5%                                                (161,461)
                Effective Gross Income                                                                                              $3,067,754

                  General & Administrative      Per Year                         608/Unit                                             97,200
                  Marketing                     Per Year                         225/Unit                                             36,000
                  Repairs & Maintenance         Per Year                         300/Unit                                             48,000
                  Payroll                       Per Year                         348/Unit                                             55,600

                  Utilities                     Per Year                         825/Unit                                             132,000
                  Contract Services             Per Year                         858/Unit                                             137,200
                  Management Fee                % of EGI                          3.5%                                                107,371
                  Property Taxes                Per Year                        2,039/Unit                                            326,223
                  Insurance                     Per Year                         548/Unit                                             87,680

                Total Operating Expenses        Per Year                       $6,420/Unit                                          $1,027,274
                Net Operating Income                                                                                  66.5%         $2,040,479
                  Replacement Reserves          Per Year                         300/Unit                                             48,000
                Net Cashflow                                                    6,720/Unit                            64.9%         $1,992,479

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