Page 256 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 256

WRITE IT                  Communicate

                        Emotional intelligence journal:  Test types.  What type of test do you feel most comfort-
                        able with, and what type brings up more negative feelings? Thinking of a particular situation
                        involving the test type that challenges you, describe how it made you feel and how that feeling
                        affected your performance. Discuss ways in which you might be able to shift your mindset in
                        order to feel more confident about this type of test.

                        Real-life writing:  Ask your instructor for feedback on a test.  Nearly every student
                        has been in the position of believing that the response written for an essay exam was marked
                        down unfairly. The next time this happens to you—when you have no idea why you lost points
                        or disagree with the instructor’s assessment of your work—draft a respectful email to your
                        instructor explaining your position and asking for a meeting to discuss the essay. (See email
                          etiquette guidelines in Quick Start.) Use clear logic to defend your work and refer back to what
                        you learned in class and in the text. It is important to specifically address any comments or criti-
                        cisms the instructor made on the test paper. Before sending the email, analyze your  argument:
                        Did you make your case effectively or was the instructor correct? When you have the meeting,
                        the work you did on the email will prepare you to defend your position.

                        WORK IT                  Build Your Brand

                        On-the-Job Testing
                         21st Century Learning Building Blocks
      8                  ■  Information literacy
      CHAPTER            ■  Initiative and self-direction

                         ■  Productivity and accountability
                        You may encounter different tests throughout your career. For example, if you are studying to
                        be a nurse you are now tested on subjects like anatomy and pharmacology. After you graduate
                        you will be required to take certification and recertification exams that gauge your mastery of
                        the latest information in different aspects of nursing.
                           Some post-graduate tests are for entry into the field; some test proficiency on particular equip-
                        ment; some move you to the next level of employment. Choose one career you are thinking about
                        and investigate what tests are involved as you advance through different career stages.

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