Page 253 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 253

student PROFILE

                                       Kevin Ix

                                       BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE,
                                       PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY

                                       About me:                   exams and occasionally laughed as she made her way around the
                                       After high school, I attended col-  room. As it turned out, the directions on the top of the test clearly
                                       lege for three semesters studying   read, “If you’re reading these directions, please do not fill in the
                                       to  become  an  electrician.  Later,   answer sheet.” Clearly she intended to test our ability to follow
               seeing the way the housing market has plummeted and the direc-  directions. While I was not the only one to make this mistake, I did
               tion  the  economy  is  heading,  I  decided  a  business  major  made   not fare too well on that particular test! I work to combat my
               more sense. I am now working toward a degree in business. I keep   tendencies by paying careful attention to directions.
               busy during the summer with one full-time and one part-time job.
                                                                   What will help me in the workplace:
               How I faced a challenge:                            The expression “measure twice, cut once” was instilled into my
               Taking the time to read directions has never been my strong point.   mind while I was enrolled in technical college. If you didn’t pay
               Whether it’s setting up a new television or taking a final exam, I   particular attention to measurements and directions, your mis-
               jump right into the task without paying attention to instructions.   take could become extremely expensive in material costs. This
               On  one  particular  occasion  I  remember  being  given  a  test  and   simple saying reminds me to focus on directions, making sure that
               started  answering  the  questions  without  even  glancing  at  the   I avoid the costly mistakes that come from ignoring or just glanc-
               directions. At the end of the test, the teacher began collecting the   ing at them.

               After reviewing your mistakes, fill in your knowledge gaps.  If you made mis-
               takes because you didn’t understand important concepts, develop a plan to learn the

               Talk to your instructor.  Focus on specific mistakes on objective questions or a weak
               essay. The fact that you care enough to review your errors will make a good impres-
               sion. If you are not sure why you were marked down on an essay, ask what you could
               have done better. If you feel that an essay was unfairly graded, ask for a rereading.
               When you use your social intelligence and approach your instructor in a non-defensive
               way, you are likely to receive help.

               Rethink the way you studied.  Make changes to avoid repeating your errors. Use var-
               ied techniques to study more effectively so that you can show yourself and your instruc-
               tors what you are capable of doing. The earlier in the term you make positive adjustments
               the better, so make a special effort to analyze and learn from early test mistakes.

               If you fail a test, don’t throw it away.  Use it to review troublesome material, especially
               if you will be tested on it again. You might also want to keep it as a reminder that you can
               improve. When you compare a failure to later successes, you’ll see how far you’ve come.

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