Page 250 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 250
say. You don’t want to be sitting in front of an empty page when time is called. One
way to get moving is to begin writing on the second page of your test booklet, leaving
the first page blank so that you can go back and create an introduction once you have
a clearer idea of what you want to say. 8
Key 8.7 shows a student’s completed response to an essay question on body lan-
guage including word changes and inserts she made while revising her draft.
KEY 8.7 Response to an essay question with revision marks.
QUESTION: Describe three ways that body
language affects interpersonal communication.
Body language plays an important role in interpersonal communication and
, especially when helps shape the impression you make. Two of the most important functions
you meet someone of body language are to contradict and reinforce verbal statements. When
for the first time delivered
body language contradicts verbal language, the message conveyed by the body
is dominant. For example, if a friend tells you that she is feeling “fine,” but
her eye contact her posture is slumped, and her facial expression troubled, you have every
minimal, reason to wonder whether she is telling the truth. If the same friend tells
accurately reflecting you that she is feeling fine and is smiling, walking with a bounce in her step,
and reinforcing her and has direct eye contact, her body language is telling the truth.
words. The nonverbal cues that make up body language also have the power to
add shades of meaning. Consider this statement: “This is the best idea
8 I’ve heard all day.” If you were to say this three different ways—in a loud
CHAPTER voice while standing up; quietly while sitting with arms and legs crossed and
looking away; and while maintening eye contact and taking the receiver’s
Although first
impressions emerge hand—you might send three different messages.
from a combination Finally, the impact of nonverbal cues can be greatest when you meet
of nonverbal cues, someone for the first time. When you meet someone, you tend to make as-
tone of voice, and
choice of words, sumptions based on nonverbal behavior such as posture, eye contact, ges-
nonverbal elements tures, and speed and style of movement.
(cues and tone) crucial
usually come In summary, nonverbal communication plays a crusial role in interper-
across first and sonal relationships. It has the power to send an accurate message that
strongest. belie
may destroy the speaker’s words, offer shades of meaning, and set the
tone of a first meeting.