Page 251 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 251
get analytical
Complete the following on paper or in digital format.
Focusing on the action verbs in essay test instructions can mean the difference between giving instructors what they
want and wandering off track. Get to know action verbs a litle more closely. Choose three verbs from Key 8.6 that
you’ve seen used in essay questions. List each verb. Then, for each, write out what the verb inspires you to do with-
out reusing the verb. In other words, avoid saying that “Describe” asks you to describe.
Now put your choices to work.
1. Name a topic you learned about in this text—for example, the concept of successful intelligence or different
barriers to listening.
2. Put yourself in the role of instructor. Write an essay question on this topic, using one of the action verbs you listed.
For example, “List the three aspects of successful intelligence” or “Analyze the classroom-based challenges associ-
ated with internal barriers to listening.”
3. Now rewrite your original question twice more, using the other two action verbs you chose, and adjusting the
question to the verb each time.
4. Finally, analyze how each new verb changes the focus of the essay. Describe the goal of each essay question and
note how they differ.
KEY 8.8 Create an informal outline during essay tests.