Page 347 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 347
KEY 12.5 Ask questions like these during an informational interview.
On the day of the informational interview, dress professionally and arrive early.
Have a copy of your résumé in case the person you are interviewing wants to see it.
Take notes during the interview, and consider writing by hand so you do not distract
the interviewee by typing. When you finish, express appreciation and ask if you can
keep in touch. Provide your contact information (or a business card, if you have one)
and ask for his or her card. Follow up with a personal thank-you note and send it by
mail—handwritten notes get remembered. Then type up your notes and think about
what they tell you about the job or career area you are investigating.
Through informational interviewing, you tap the “hidden job market”—unadver-
tised jobs that are filled through networking. More than 80% of new jobs are unadver-
tised. Most companies would rather find a qualified person through word-of-mouth
or a referral by one of their own employees. And the best way to get referred is to meet
some of those employees through informational interviewing.
Online services and classified ads
When jobs get advertised, they generate a lot of competition. However, it doesn’t hurt
to look at job advertisements. Although classified ads are still helpful for local possi-
bilities, the Internet—with its enormous information storage capabilities and low
cost—is a better location for job postings. Many employers post detailed job openings
through online job boards. In addition to a job description and salary information,
most online postings will contain company information and a link to where you can
submit an application. To get the most out of your virtual resources:
■ Join a business-focused social networking site, like LinkedIn, and look at jobs posted
there. Network with your contacts to find out about upcoming and existing openings. Careers and More