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study groups, 182, 217, 235–236,   practical. See Practical thinking   Verbal-linguistic intelligence, 83, 84,
                   316                                skills                            86, 92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231,
               Technology                           in problem solving, 124–126         253, 283, 311
                 assistive technology devices, 98  Think links, 102–103, 171–173    Visual arts groups, 242–243
                 as distraction, 138              Tieder, Becca, 74                 Visual images, as mnemonic devices,
                 electronic planners, 36          Time alone, in creative thinking, 116,   177
                 electronic strategies for note-taking,   119                       Visual-spatial intelligence, 83, 84, 86,
                   174                            Time frame, in SMART goals, 32, 33    92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231, 253,
                 identity theft, 294              Timelines, in note-taking, 174        283, 311
                 online support organizations, 230,   Time management, 35–42        Vocabulary development, 138
                   232                              academic schedule and, 257      Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI),
                 personal preferences in, 93–94     exercise and, 58                    255
                 phishing scams, 293                money and, 281–282              Voicemail, communicating with
                 planner, 36                        multitasking, 41                    instructors, 226
                 study group, 236                   personal time prof le, 35–36    Volunteering, 240, 259, 316
                 in study process, 186              planners in, 36, 37
                 support for online issues, 230, 232  procrastination and, 40       W
                 in time management, 36, 40–41, 138  for reading, 137–138
               Test anxiety, 201–203, 204           schedules in, 36–39             Wants, needs versus, 280–281
                 calm and focus for, 203            sleep and, 58–59                Weight management, 57
                 positive attitude and, 201–203     in stress management, 44        We Love Reading program, 271
                 sources of, 201                    study time, 198                 Westside Test Anxiety Scale, 204
                 Westside Test Anxiety Scale, 204   technology in, 36, 40–41        “What if” questions, 118
               Test taking, 194–221. See also       in test taking, 198, 205, 211, 217  Wheel of successful intelligence, 25,
                   Assessment                       time traps, 39–42                   326
                 academic integrity in, 205–206   Time traps, 39–42                 Whill, 160
                 assessing, 196                   T-note system, 170–171, 172       Willpower, successful intelligence and,
                 essay exams, 197, 210–215        Tobacco, 65–66                        320
                 f nal exams, 217–218             To-do lists, 38                   Working thesis statement, 157
                 objective questions, 197, 206–210  Topic sentence, 143             Workplace, 7–9, 249–275
                 on-the-job, 221                  Torres, Bimmer, 117                 career planning and, 94–97
                 preparation for, 196–201         Transferable skills, 8–9, 319       career success and, 247
                 study materials, 197             Travel, 259                         demands of global workplace, 7–8
                 study skills for, 198–201        True-false questions, 209           determining academic focus, 250–257
                 subjective questions, 197, 210–215  Trust, 16                        emotional intelligence and, 269–270
                 test anxiety, 201–203, 204       Tutoring, 226, 316                  global community and. See Global
                 test day strategies, 203–215     Twitter, 263                          community
                 test types, 197                  Typology, 86                        groundwork for rewarding career,
                 time management, 198, 205, 211,                                        257–261
                   217                                                                internships, 94, 96, 132–133,
                 topics, 197                      U                                     262–263
                 upside of poor performance,      ULifeline, 60–61                    job and employer requirements, 8
                   215–216                        Understanding, in Bloom’s Taxonomy,   job performance, 94–97
               Themes, 113, 149                       142                             job search tools, 263–269
               Thinker personality dimension, 89,   U.S. Bureau of Labor, Occupational   need for transferable skills, 8–9,
                   93, 254                            Outlook Handbook, 259             319
               Thinking skills, 10–11, 104–133    U.S. Department of Education, 289   off-campus jobs, 262, 288–289
                 analytical/critical. See Analytical/  Universal default clause, 292–293  on-campus jobs, 261–262, 288–289
                   critical thinking skills                                           on-the-job test taking, 221
                 assessing, 24, 106, 324–326      V                                   preparation for success, 250
                 brain changes and, 106–107                                           reading skills on the job, 162–163
                 creative. See Creative thinking skills  VAK/VARK, 85                 seeking and securing employment, 9
                 in decision making, 124, 125–128  Values, 28                         specif c job needs, 301
                 metacognition, 108–109             expressing, 29                    work during college years, 261–270,
                 nature of thinking, 107–108        sources of, 28–29                   288–289

                                                                                                         Index  347
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