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reviewing and revising notes, 169  P                               Potentials, 81
           source notes, 157, 158                                             Practical thinking skills, 121–123
           study groups and, 236            Panic disorder, 61                  action and, 121–123
           systems. See Note-taking systems  Paraphrases, quotations versus, 158  assessing, 24, 325–326
           in test taking, 198              Part-time jobs, 288–289             emotional intelligence and, 121
           while reading, 166–167           Patterns, 113                       nature of, 10, 11
         Note-taking systems, 167, 170–174  Paul, Richard, 107–108, 113n        questions, 123
                                            Peer-assisted study sessions, 235–236
           charting notes, 173              Peer leadership program, 229        in test taking, 197
           Cornell T-note system, 170–171,   Perception puzzles, 118          Precede Technologies, 299
             172                                                              Prefrontal cortex, 107
           electronic strategies, 174       Perfectionism, 40                 Prejudice, 307, 308
                                            Performing arts groups, 242–243
           hierarchy charts, 174            Personality Spectrum, 81, 82, 85–89  Pretesting, 198
           outlines, 170                      career choice and, 252–253, 254  Previewing, 166–167
           picture and diagrams, 173          study techniques, 93            Previous knowledge, in reading process,
           think links/mind maps, 171–173   Personal mission, 29–31, 50–51        139
           timelines, 174                                                     Prewriting strategies, 156
                                            Perspectives, 112
                                              in analytical/critical thinking, 112,   Primary sources, 151–152
         O                                      113                           Print media on campus, 239
                                              in creative thinking, 117–118, 120  Priorities
         Obesity, 57                          in decision making, 125           for reading, 137
         Objective test questions, 197, 206–210  Petress, Kenneth C., 235n      for study, 182
         Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),   Pew Research Center, 94         for tasks and goals, 36–38
             61                             Phishing scams, 293                 for test taking, 197, 218
         Off-campus jobs, 262, 288–289      Physical health, 55–59            Private f nancial aid, 290
         Off ce hours, 225                    assessing, 54                   Probing questions, in problem solving,
         Off ce of career planning and        diet and nutrition, 53, 56–57       124
             placement, 255, 260–261, 263     drug use, 64, 66–69             Problem solving
         Off ce of residence life, 228        exercise, 57–58                   decision making versus, 125
         Off ce of student affairs, 227       routine screenings, 77            f owchart, 126
         Old friends, in support system, 232  sexual boundaries, 70–74          mathematics in, 279–280
         On-campus jobs, 261–262, 288–289     sleep, 58–59                      in reading process, 148
         OneFile, 153                         stress management and, 54–55      steps in, 124
         One Student, 74                      student health services, 228      thinking skills in, 124–126
         O*NET Online, 258                    substance use, 64–69            Procedural memory, 176, 191
         Online materials                   Picasso, Pablo, 116, 177          Procrastination, 40
           for career and job search, 258–259,   Plagiarism                   Professional organizations, 238–239,
             263–264                          avoiding, 158                       259
           phishing scams, 293                citation rules, 158–159         Project teams, 233–234
           reading strategies for, 149–150  Planners                            instructor role with, 233
           research strategies for, 152–154,   types, 36                        meetings of, 233–234
             258                              using, 36, 37                   Purpose, in reading process, 153
         On-time percentage, 35             Planning                          Pythagoras Solar, 299
         Openness, in teamwork, 233           f nancial, 296–298
         Opinions                             importance of regular, 38       Q
           facts versus, 111, 113             successful intelligence and, 18–19,
           nature of, 110                       320                           Qualif ers, 205
         Options, in decision making, 125     in test taking, 211             Questioning. See also Test taking
         Organizer personality dimension, 89,   in writing process, 156–157     in analytical/critical thinking,
             93, 254                        Podcasts, 186                         109–114
         Outlines                           Point of view, in creative thinking, 118  to analyze career areas, 258–259
           in note-taking, 170              Positive attitude, 99, 201–203      Bloom’s Taxonomy in, 141–142
           in test taking, 214              Positive self-talk, 203             in creative thinking, 118, 120
           in writing process, 157          Possible solutions, in problem solving,   to evaluate arguments, 147
         Outsider status, 118–119               125                             informational interview, 268
         Overeaters Anonymous (OA), 69      Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 61  in practical thinking, 123

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