Page 376 - Keys to College Success
P. 376
Note: Bold page numbers indicate American Psychological Association effective communication and, 309
def nitions in margins; “n” indicates (APA), 60, 159, 280 Athletics, intramural, 241–242
material in a note. Analogies, 114
Analytical/critical thinking skills, B
assessing, 24, 324–325 Back matter, surveying, 139
Abbreviations, in note-taking, in Bloom’s Taxonomy, 142 Bates, Marilyn, 87
167–169 breaking information into parts, Belief, in creative thinking, 116
ABCs (Adversity, Beliefs, 109, 110 Bell Labs, 117
Consequences), 15 evaluating evidence, 109, 110–112, Bensley, D. Alan, 108
Academic advising off ce, 226 113 Benson, Herbert, 43n
Academic centers, 226 examining evidence, 109, 110–112 Berger, Lauren, 262–263
Academic deans, 228 gathering information, 109–110, Bias, 112
Academic goals, 33–34 113 Binge drinking, 64–65
Academic integrity, 16, 320 making connections, 109, 112–113 Binge eating disorder, 62
benef ts of, 17 nature of, 10, 11 Birth control, 71
fundamental values of, 16 questions, 113 Bishop, Joyce, 87
maintaining, 205–206 in reading process, 146–147, 149 BIXI (bicycle/taxi), 21
violations of, 17 for study, 184, 189 Bloom, Benjamin, 141–142
Academic options, 255–256 in test taking, 198 Bloom’s Taxonomy, 141–142
Academic organizations, 238–239, Annotating text, 143, 144, 150 BMI (body mass index), 57
259, 294 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, 83, 84,
Accuracy, in CARS test for Anorexia nervosa, 62 86, 92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231,
information quality, Anxiety disorders, 61–62 253, 283, 311
154, 155 Application, in Bloom’s Taxonomy, Body mass index (BMI), 57
Achievable SMART goals, 32, 33 142 Body of paper, drafting, 157
Acronyms, 178–180 Argument, 15, 110, 147 Boolean logic, 152, 153
Action, in practical thinking process, Aristotle, 85 Boundary setting, 41
121–123 Assessment Brain, 106–107
Action verbs, in essay exams, 211, 212 of career options, 260 biology of learning, 106–107
Addiction, 64, 69 of communication skills, 304 college and, 107
Addington, Kelly, 74 for learning disabilities, 97, 98 convergent/divergent thinking, 115
Adecco Staff ng, 7, 9 of learning preferences, 80, 81–85, executive function, 107
Adjunct faculty, 226 86, 92–93 science of memory, 175–177
Administration off ces, 227–228 of personality, 81–82, 85–89 in test taking, 200
Adventure personality dimension, 89, of reading skills, 136 Braingaming, 117
93, 254 of self-activators, 319 Brainstorming, 117, 120, 156
Advisors of test anxiety, 204 Breaks
academic advising off ce, 226 for test taking. See Test taking in creative thinking, 118
determining academic options, of thinking skills, 24, 106, 324–326 in study process, 181
255–256 of vocational interests and talents, Briggs, Katherine, 87
responsibilities of, 6 255 Budgeting, 282–287
AIDS (acquired immune def ciency Assistive technology devices, 98 adjusting earnings or spending,
syndrome), 72–73 Associations, 177 285–287
Alcohol, 59, 64–65, 69 Assumptions, 112 budgets, def ned, 282
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 69 in analytical/critical thinking, 113 earnings and, 282, 284, 285,
American Financial Solutions, 294 in creative thinking, 117 288–291