Page 377 - Keys to College Success
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spending and, 284, 285 in teamwork, 5–6 Curriculum, 257
Bulimia nervosa, 62 Comparison and contrast, 112–113,
Burka, Jane B., 40 151 D
Bursar’s off ce, 228 Compound interest, 296
Concentration. See Major or Deans, 227–228
concentration Debit cards, 294
Conclusion, drafting, 157 Decision fatigue, 19
Caffeine, sleep and, 59 Conf ict management, in teamwork, 6 Decision making
Calendars, 38, 39 Connections f owchart, 128
Campus security, 230 in analytical/critical thinking, 109, problem solving versus, 125
Career success. See Workplace 112–113 steps in, 124
CARS test for information quality, in creative thinking, 117 thinking skills in, 124, 125–128
154–155 Consistency, in teamwork, 233 Declarative memory, 176, 191
Carter, Carol, 31 Consumer Financial Protection Delaying gratif cation, 42–43
Caruso, David R., 12, 13n Bureau, 292 Demo tapes, 11
Castro, Sergio, 45 Content notes, 157 Dendrites, 106–107
Categories, 113 Context, in reading process, 152 Depressive disorder, 60–61
Cause and effect, 111–112 Contraception, 71 Detoxif cation (“detox”) centers, 69
Centers for Disease Control, 57, 64, Convergent thinking, 115 Developmental writing disorders, 98
65n, 66 Cornell T-note system, 170–171, 172 Diet and nutrition, 53, 56–57
Certif cates of deposit (CDs), 296 Counseling services, 228–229 eating disorders, 62, 69
Change addiction and, 69 eating habits, 56–57
in major or concentration, 257 rape and incest, 74 variety in, 57
in modern workplace, 257 Course syllabus weight management, 57
risk-taking and, 320–321 in prioritizing tasks and goals, 37, Discrimination, 308
Chapter elements, surveying, 139 137, 180 Disputation, 15
Charting notes, 173 in stress management, 43 Distance, creative thinking and, 119
Cheating, 17, 158–159, 205–206 Cover letters, 261, 265, 273–275 Distractions, 41, 138, 182
Chunking, 184 Covey, Stephen, 31 Divergent thinking, 115
Citation rules, 158–159 Cramming, 200–201 Diversity. See also Global community;
Citizenship, 312 Creative thinking skills, 114–120 Learning preferences; Personality
Class attendance assessing, 24, 325 Spectrum
courses and career interests, 259 brainstorming/braingaming in, 117, cultural competence, 305–308
note-taking, 167–169, 187 120, 156 emotional intelligence and, 306
in stress management, 43 def ning, 114–115 getting along with others, 232–237
Closed mindedness, 309 ingredients of, 116 learning disabilities, 97–99
Clubs, 242, 243–244, 259, 316 nature of, 10, 11 trends in, 304–305
Collaboration, in teamwork, 6, 233 outsider status and, 118–119 Dodson, John E., 42
College Board Advocacy and Policy perspective shifts, 117–118, 120 Double majors, 256
Center, 289 questions, 120 Downtime, 38
Comfort zone, creative thinking and, understanding process, 114–115 Drafting, 157, 211
118–119 Credibility, in CARS test for Drug use, 66–69
Commitments information quality, 154, 155 addiction, 64, 69
in prioritizing tasks and goals, 37 Credit cards, 292–295 dependence, 68–69
realistic, 41 evaluating use of, 295 effects on user, 68–69
thinking about, 41 managing debt from, 294 types, 68–69
Common sense. See Practical thinking policies and problems, 292–294 Duckworth, Angela, 20
skills terminology, 293 Dweck, Carol, 10, 16
Communication skills, 304–311, 314 Credit history, 294 Dyscalculia, 98
assessing, 304 Creditors, 294 Dysgraphia, 98
cultural competence, 305–308, 314 Credit scores, 294 Dyslexia, 98, 129
effective communication and, Critical thinking skills. See Analytical/
309–310 critical thinking skills
multiple intelligences (MI) theory CSS/Financial Aid Prof le, 290 E
and, 311 Cultural competence, 305–308, 314 Eating disorders, 62, 69
340 Index