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in problem solving, 124 working with others, 232–237 Sapolsky, Robert, 59
in reading process, 139–142, Respect, 16 SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of
146–147 roommates and, 236 Education), 60
in thinking process generally, 108 in teamwork, 233 Savings accounts, 296
Quotations, paraphrases versus, 158 Responsibilities Scanning, 146
academic integrity and, 16 Schedules, 36–39
successful intelligence and, 18–19, academic, 257
320 calendars in, 38, 39
Rape, 74 of team members, 6 linking tasks to long-term goals, 38,
Reading disorders, 98 Responsibility, successful intelligence 137, 138
Reading skills, 136–151 and, 18–19, 320 managing, 38–39, 257
analytical/critical thinking, Rest, 38 preparing for f nal exams, 217
146–147, 149 Résumés, 11, 261, 265–266 prioritizing tasks and goals, 36–38
assessing, 136 Retirement saving, 296–298 to-do lists, 38
comprehension, 136–138 Revelation, 114 Scholarships, 289
on the job, 162–163 Reviewing Schwartz, Barry, 123
multiple intelligences theory, 145 as memory strategy, 177 Science
note-taking, 166–167, 182, 187 with note-taking, 169 concentrations or specializations,
primary versus secondary sources, in SQ3R reading system, 146 251
151–152 as study skill, 181, 183, 184, 189, as life tool, 279
SQ3R reading system, 138–146, 197, 198 reading strategies for, 148
180, 198 for test taking, 197, 198, 217 study strategies for, 186
strategies for different subjects, Revision, 157–158 Search engines, 94, 152–154
148–150 with note-taking, 169 Secondary sources, 151–152
summarizing, 187, 188 in test taking, 211–212, 213 Secondhand smoke, 65
Realistic SMART goals, 32, 33 Reward programs, 292 Seeds of Peace, 118
Reasonableness, in CARS test for Rewards Self-activators, 319
information quality, 154, 155 of college, 4–5 Self-control, successful intelligence
Receptiveness, in creative thinking, of taking risk, 2–7, 21 and, 19–20, 320
116–117 Rhymes, as mnemonic devices, 180 Self-Directed Search (SDS), 255
Reciting RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Self-esteem, 29
in SQ3R reading system, 143 Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Self-knowledge
as study skill, 184–185 Conventional), 255 of learning preferences, 80–85
References, personal, 265 Risk-taking of personality, 81, 82, 85–89
Ref ning, 114 assessing readiness, 2 strategic choices in classroom,
Registrar’s off ce, 228 continuing to grow, 317–318 89–91
Rehearsal in creative thinking, 116–117 for study strategies, 92–93
rote, 176 facing change and challenges with, in technology management, 93–94
as study skill, 184–185 320–321 Self-management skills, 28
Relaxation, at test time, 203 in global community. See Global Self-perception, 81
Research skills, 151–156 community Self-portrait, 102–103
assessing, 136 to reach goals, 1 Self-suff ciency, 17–18, 320
CARS test for information quality, rewards of, 2–7, 21 Seligman, Martin, 15, 16
154–155 successful intelligence and, 20 Sensory registers, 176
library research, 151–152, 258 value of, 3 Service learning, 240, 259, 316
online research, 152–154, 258 Rituals, sleep, 59 Sexual assault, 73–74
search method, 152 Roommates, 236–237 Sexual boundaries, 70–74
varying strategies and sources, 154 Rosenthal, Norman, 121 birth-control options, 71
Resources and people, 223–247 Rote rehearsal, 176 protecting your health, 70–73
assessing, 224 Rowling, J. K., 252 sexual assault, 73–74
enriching experiences, 238–244 sexually transmitted infections
for job search, 263–264 S (STIs), 70–73
support system, 225–232 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs),
for well-rounded college experience, Safety resources on campus, 230 70–73
224–225 Salovey, Peter, 12, 13n Shantha, 245
Index 345