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Librarian’s Index to the Internet,   assessing, 166                    test taking, 208
                   152–153                          brain science of memory, 175–177  Multiple Pathways to Learning, 81,
               Library research, 151–152, 258       mnemonic devices, 177–180           82–85
               LinkedIn, 263                        networking and, 192–193         Multitasking, 41
               List order acronyms, 179–180         in reading process, 148         Musical-rhythmic intelligence, 83, 84,
               Literature, reading strategies for, 149  reasons for forgetting, 177     86, 92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231,
               Livescribe, 174                      for study, 183–184                  253, 283, 311
               Loan management, 291–292             types of memory, 191            Myers, Isabel Briggs, 87
               Locations                          Mental and emotional health, 59–63  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),
                 mnemonic devices, 177              anxiety, 61–62                      82, 87
                 for reading, 137                   assessing, 54
                 for study, 181–182                 college counseling services, 228–229
               Logical-mathematical intelligence, 83,   depression, 60–61           N
                   84, 86, 92, 96, 145, 168, 208,   drug use, 64, 66–69             Nader, Karim, 177
                   231, 253, 283, 311               eating disorders, 62, 69        Naps, 59
               Logistics, 156                       mindfulness meditation, 62–63   Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 69
               Long-term goals, 31–32, 38           sexual boundaries, 70–74        National Association of Colleges and
               Long-term memory, 176–177            stress management and, 54–55        Employers (NACE), Job Outlook
               Lyman, Frank T., 131n                student health services, 228        Survey, 8
                                                    substance use, 64–69            National Center for Cultural
                                                  Mentors, 229, 316                     Competence, 305
                                                  Metacognition, 108–109            National Center for Learning Disabilities
               Macionis, John J., 161, 162        Method of loci, 178, 179              (NCLD), 97, 98
               Magazines, 239                     Michalko, Michael, 116            National Center on for Education
               Maisto, Albert A., 209n, 210n      Microsoft, 219                        Statistics, 261
               Major or concentration, 32         Mindfulness meditation, 62–63     National Council for the Social
                 academic options, 255–256        Mind maps, 102–103, 171–173           Studies, 149
                 career success and, 251–252      Minors, 256                       National Foundation for Credit
                 changing, 257                    Mirror neurons, 12                    Counseling, 294
                 connecting to career, 258        Mission statement, 31, 50–51      Naturalistic intelligence, 83, 84, 86,
                 def nitions, 251                 Mistakes, in creative thinking, 116   92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231, 253,
                 multiple intelligences and, 96   Mnemonic devices, 177–180             283, 311
               Master note sets, 186–189, 187       acronyms, 178–180               Needs, wants versus, 280–281
                 combining class and reading notes,   associations, 177             Need-specif c off ces, 226, 227, 255,
                   187                              method of loci, 178, 179            260–261, 263
                 summary of reading material in, 187  rhymes, 180                   Negative beliefs, building argument
               Matching questions, 210              songs, 180                          against, 15
               Mathematics. See also Financial literacy  in test taking, 198        Networking, 263
                 concentrations or specializations,   visual images, 177              memory and, 192–193
                   251                            Modern Language Association       Neuroscience, mirror neurons, 12
                 f elds within, 279                   (MLA), 159                    “New learners,” 94
                 importance of, 278–280           Money market accounts, 296        Newspapers, 239
                 as life tool, 279                Morris, Charles G., 209n, 210n    Nielsen, Jakob, 149–150
                 problem solving in, 279–280      Motivation, 11                    Note-taking, 166–174
                 reading strategies for, 148      Motivators, 16                      annotating text, 143, 144, 150
                 STEM subjects, 278               Multiple-choice questions, 207      assessing, 166
                 study strategies for, 186        Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory, 81,   assistance with, 98
                 test taking strategies, 205, 207     82–85, 86, 92–93                during class, 167–169, 187
               Mayer, John D., 12, 13n              career choice and, 252, 253       content notes, 157
               Mayo Clinic, 57                      communication skills and, 311     f ash cards, 185, 186
               Measurable SMART goals, 32, 33       for f nancial management, 283     during interviews, 269
               Media, print and electronic on       majors and internships, 96        master note sets, 186–189
                   campus, 239                      note-taking and, 168              personal shorthand in, 167–169
               Medical care, addiction and, 69      reading, 145                      preparation for, 166–167
               Meditation, 62–63                    stress management, 231            for readings, 166–167, 182, 187
               Memory strategies, 175–189           study techniques, 92–93           in research process, 156

                                                                                                         Index  343
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