Page 378 - Keys to College Success
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Ebert, Ronald J., 144n Greek organizations, 239, 240–241 testing, 216
Edison, Thomas, 116 honor societies, 239 thinking analytically about money,
Editing, 157–158, 212 intramural athletics, 241–242 123
Email print and electronic media, 239 time management and, 281–282
communicating with instructors, student government and judicial wellness and f nancial f tness, 66
226 system, 239 Fixed mindset, 16
phishing scams, 293 visual/performing arts groups, Flash cards, 185, 186
Emotional health, 4 242–243 Flexibility, 39, 91
Emotional intelligence (EI), 12–14, 320 volunteering/service learning, 240, Formal outlines, 170
abilities of, 13–14 259, 316 Formulas, in reading process, 148
benef ts of, 12–13 F-pattern reading, 149–150
diversity and, 306 F Free Application for Federal Student
measuring, 13 Aid (FAFSA), 289, 290
practical thinking skills and, 121 Facebook, 263, 267 Freewriting, 156, 157
workplace, 269–270 Facts Friends, in support system, 232
Employment. See Workplace nature of, 110 Front matter, surveying, 139
Endocrine system, stress and, 55 opinions versus, 111, 113 Fry, Ron, 199n
Energy patterns, 35 in test taking, 203
Environmental footprint, 314 Fairness, 16 G
Episodic memory, 176, 191 Family
Escort services on campus, 230 f nancial aid off ce and, 229 GaleGroup, 153
Essay exam questions, 197, 210–215 overreliance on support from, 295 Gardner, Howard, 81, 82, 83
Ethnocentricism, 309 responsibilities of, 6 Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 61, 119 in support system, 232 Georgetown University Center
Evaluation Fear, 310 for Education and the
of arguments, 147 Fight-or-f ight response, 55 Workforce, 252
in Bloom’s Taxonomy, 142 Fill-in-the-blank questions, 210 Gibson, Jennifer, 116
of evidence in analytical/critical Final exams, 217–218 Giver personality dimension, 89, 93, 254
thinking, 109, 111–112, 113 Financial aid, 289–291 Glaser, Milton, 115
in problem solving, 125 applying for aid, 290–291 Global citizenship, 312–314
in research process, 154 f nancial aid off ce and, 229 citizenship, def ned, 312
of study materials, 182 looking for aid, 290 taking action, 312–314
of tools for success, 319–320 types of aid, 289–290 Global community, 5, 303–327
Events, in prioritizing tasks and goals, Financial aid off ce, 229 BIXI bicycle/taxi, 21
37 Financial literacy, 280–301 communication skills and, 304–311
Evernote, 174 acquiring financial information, demands of global workplace, 7–8
Evidence, 147 238 Dyslexia (font), 129
bias and, 112 awareness of money, 181 earthquake protection device, 322
evaluating in analytical/critical benef ts of college education, 3 global citizenship and, 312–314
thinking, 109, 111–112, 113 college costs, 261, 290–291 Hippo Water Roller, 100
examining, 109, 110–112 credit card use and abuse, 292–295 “inventor king” of China, 75
identifying, 110 family support and, 295 leadership skills, 314–316
nature of, 110 f nancial aid off ce, 229 Precede Technologies, 299
supporting ideas with, 111 f nancial values in, 35 Pythagoras Solar, 299
Executive function, 107 managing and paying loans, 291–292 risk-taking and, 317–321
Exercise, 57–58 money management skills in, 278, Shantha, 245
f nding time for, 58 280–281 Shweeb, 190
sleep and, 59 needs versus wants, 280–281 Skype, 219
types, 57, 58 organizing f nances, 9 tools for success, 319–320
Expectations, setting reasonable, 138 personal budgeting in, 282–287 walk-in medical clinic in Mexico, 45
Experience, learning from, 121, 122 personal f nancial preferences, 95 We Love Reading program, 271
Extracurricular activities, 238–244 personal relationship with money, Whill, 160
academic/professional 317 Goal management, 27–51
organizations, 238–239, 259 planning for the future, 296–298 academic goals, 33–34
clubs, 242, 243–244, 259, 316 specif c job needs, 301 goals, def ned, 29
Index 341