Page 30 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 30
Ms Aileen Yap Leng Y Y Y 100 Y Re-elected as Exco
Lee Member on
24/6/2021. Dy ED
of NYAA, Full-time
Mr Edward Chia Bing No -- -- -- No Step Down on
Hui 24/6/2021
Mr Sim Hwee Cher Y Y Y 100 Y Re-elected as
Member on
LTC Lim En Y Y No 67 No Elected as
Member on
Ms Sharon Soh Eng Y Y Y 100 Y Elected as
Khim Member on
Mr Lim Soo Ping Y Y Y 100 Y Elected as
Member on
Mr Lim Teck Lee Y Y Y 100 Y Elected as
Member on
Dr Mala -- Y Y 100 New Elected as New
Satkunanantham Member on
Dr Angela Lee Hui -- Y Y 100 New Elected as New
Mien Member on
Mr Gary Shen Weiren -- Y Y 100 New Elected as New
Member on
Mr Desmond Chong -- Y Y 100 New Elected as New
Kok Hwee Member on
Ms Pearly Seah Y Y Y 100 No Re-elected as
Representative of
PA for 2021/2022
Total (Present): 19 20 19 81.3 18
Total (Absent): 5 5 6 6 3 step down
4 (New) after24/6/2021
Total: 24 25 25 28 25
As of 31 December 2021
The term of office for the Treasurer is two years.
The term of office for other officeholders and members is two years and renewable after the term.
A representative from Statutory Board, Ministries term is one year and renewable after the term.