Page 52 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 52

The ESI team procured and installed a basic automatic drip  The team began logging the drip irrigation water usage with
            irrigation system (Figures 7 and 8).  The installation was  the installation completed, as shown in Table 4.
            straightforward and was completed by our team within
            a few hours. Once installed, configuring the system took
            approximately 10 minutes to program.

                                                                 Table 4: Water consumption and associated CO2 emissions after
                                                                 installation of drip Irrigation system

                                                                 Table 4 shows a 66% reduction in associated annual CO2
                                                                 emissions is possible for a single garden bed by incorporating
                                                                 rainwater collection and implementing drip irrigation
                                                                 instead of manual watering.


            Figure 7:  Students in-   Figure 8: Drip Irrigation
            stalling the system                                  The project incurred a total cost of $352, with a potential
                                                                 annual  reduction  in  utility  bills  (water)  estimated  to  be
                                                                 approximately $150 for a single garden bed, based on
            The ESI team also installed a soil moisture level meter to  existing water tariffs, or $1,200 for all eight garden beds at the
            address the concerns of the volunteer gardeners and the  mosque. Significant benefits were realised by implementing
            client (Figure 11). This device monitors soil moisture levels,  the eco-solution, which included rainwater collection and
            ensuring that the system  provides enough water for healthy  drip irrigation. Not only did the team achieve a notable
            plant growth (Figure 12).                            reduction in associated CO2 emissions, but there were also
                                                                 savings in labour costs as volunteers could be redeployed for
                                                                 other tasks within the mosque.

                                                                 Furthermore,  the  simplicity  of  the  eco-solutions
                                                                 demonstrated  the  feasibility  of  adopting  drip  irrigation
                                                                 systems at other mosques in Singapore. This initiative is easily
                                                                 scalable, with approximately 50% of Singapore’s 69 mosques
                                                                 potentially able to undertake similar initiatives. Such
                                                                 widespread adoption could lead to a substantial reduction
                                                                 in  associated  CO2  emissions.  Moreover,  this  project  raises
                                                                 awareness of conservation practices, potentially inspiring
                                                                 further projects and ideas to foster positive environmental
            Figure 11:  Moisture Level   Figure 12:  The Drip    action.
            meter                      irrigation in action
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