Page 93 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 93

While engaged in this project, I have gained invaluable insights into the operations of a small
                                    and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It was a fascinating experience to visit the factories and
                                    witness firsthand the manufacturing processes and intricacies of production. I am grateful for
                                    the opportunity extended by these companies to collaborate with them, allowing me to gain
                                    practical experience and forge new friendships along the journey.

                                    Undoubtedly, there were challenges encountered throughout the project, particularly in
                                    balancing my academic commitments with project responsibilities. However, with effective
                                    time management and dedication, we successfully navigated these challenges and ensured the
                                    project’s success.

                                    Overall, this project has been a rewarding and enriching experience, offering me the opportunity
                Ooi Yong Heng
                                    to learn, grow, and contribute to environmental sustainability efforts alongside real-world

                                    I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the company for their support and collaboration
                                    throughout  this project.  Their willingness to engage  with  us has provided  an invaluable
                                    opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of sustainability practices. Through this project,
                                    I have had the privilege to share my ideas on reducing carbon emissions and explore practical
                                    implementation strategies alongside my wonderful teammates, who have demonstrated
                                    remarkable dedication to this cause.

                                    Working closely with the company, we conducted thorough assessments to identify areas
                                    for carbon emissions reduction. Despite encountering numerous challenges along the way,
                                    we persevered and collectively brainstormed ideas that we believed could make a significant
                                    impact. I am immensely grateful that the company was receptive to our proposals and agreed
                                    to implement our suggestions.
             Farid Isma Bin Ismail
                                    This experience has been enriching, providing us with invaluable lessons and skills that extend
                                    beyond the scope of this project. It has bolstered our confidence and prepared us for future
                                    endeavours, while also fostering a more sustainable work environment for us all.

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