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Why buy your dohne rams
from us? Easy!
We have over 19 years of strategic breeding which
has enabled us to produce a superior dohne prod-
The future of red meat uct with excellent conformation and trait leading
looking positive Calga is currently positioned at No 1 on the Sheep
Henry Webb—Domestic meat trader Genetics data base with the top performing ani-
mal in the breed in Australia. CA17 - 3301 has a
dohne record index of 219.09%
2020 was certainly an interesting year for the Australian red 3 studs available for outcrosses Calga, Uardry &
meat industry. From the panic buying witnessed at the start of DD Dohnes
the pandemic, to the huge oversupply once lockdowns began,
which saw lamb prices drop heavily as a result. Of the registered animals in 2020, we have over
10% of those ovines registered. A distinct ad-
In the domestic market more uncertainty looms as we contin- vantage of being able to access a larger genetic
ue to see sporadic lookdowns and the financial hardship these pool to select from for the superior genetics
can cause the foodservice industry. Lockdowns have been an A 10,000 commercial ewe base to be able to fur-
ongoing concern in the domestic market. Sudden outbreaks ther benchmark our genetic success
have forced businesses to maintain marginal stock levels as
the uncertainty continues to loom over the country. However Superior wool champion dohne fleece ribbons
foodservice businesses continue to show resilience as they since first entering in 2016 with fleeces from the
Caroonboon commercial flock
find creative ways to maintain income during this time. Finan-
cial stimulus from the government has also boosted consumer We are Ovine Johnes & Brucellosis accredited free
confidence in the sector. Looking at retail, growth continues to with rams free to go to all areas of Australia
remain strong in the sector. Online grocery shopping contin- Retention of clients since we began our operation
ues to remain popular along with the rising demand of meal in 2002
solution businesses like HelloFresh go from strength to
strength. Come and have a look and
The future in the short to medium term looks quite positive. In see for yourself
the last 12 months we have seen increased interest from for-
eign investment in the processing sector. Larger companies
expanding operations in Australia indicate strong potential for
growing demand overseas. Large processing businesses are
now looking to invest into further value-added processing
which is helping them achieve a higher return for their prod-
ucts again allowing them to pay a higher price for raw materi-
als. Global markets have begun to reopen strongly with a
healthy appetite for Australian lamb. In the US, the market has
returned to a new normality with a fast vaccination uptake.
Consumer confidence has returned to some extent as a result.
Therefore, we are seeing strong demand for Australian lamb
once again. this has also been helped by the weakened Aus-
tralian dollar. This weakened dollar has helped us remain
competitive in other markets like Japan and South Korea,
which despite sporadic lockdowns similar to Australia contin-
ue to see strong growth in demand for Australian goods. The
Free Trade deal with the United Kingdom has also been a
boost to the Australian economy however the feeling is that
this will not benefit the red meat industry as Britain will try
and uphold its own industries.
China continues to be an interesting market to watch. Despite A great sunset to end the day of delivering a load of rams to clients
strong trade sanctions being placed on Western countries, Tom & Sophie Holt at Coonong Station, Urana NSW.
they continue to import large amounts of Australian red meat. They are the first property outside of the USA to be Certified Humane,
Demand for Australian meat in the country has remained and are among the largest properties in Australia involved in the Re-
strong as they continue to deal with the African Swine Fever sponsible Wool Standard program.
which has decimated a large majority of the Chinese pig herd. The Coonong Sire Evaluation also commenced in January 2021 at
This demand is positive to see, however as Australia develops Coonong.
relations with other markets, we will hopefully see less reli-
ance on the Chinese market in the coming years.