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Update from La Cruz Stud
       In Uruguay

                                        Dohne client Hernan Riccetto—La Cruz Stud

        My name is Hernán Riccetto, I am from Uruguay and I have a
        degree in Agricultural Management. I have worked in the family
        business for the past 10 years.
        Our farms are located in the south centre, and in the east of
        Uruguay, 125 km and 345 km far from Montevideo, respectively.
        I am the fourth generation related with our farm, assisting both
        cattle and a sheep production. I have my stud in the east of the
        Since 2016 I decided to raise Merino Dohne. I believe that is the
        best double purpose breed that fits perfectly in the Uruguayan
        sheep production system.
                                                              La Cruz Stud ewes that have been joined to a ram from the Nambi
        URUGUAYAN GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS                     Guasu Stud also in Uruguay.
        Due to the geographical location of Uruguay and its weather,
        cattle and sheep are allowed to remain in the open sky through-
        out the year. The production systems can be grouped into:   Coonong Sire Evaluation
        breeding, rearing, complete cycle and wintering or fattening,
        which are distributed in the national territory based on the
        productivity of the fields.                           commences January 2021

        Given the drop in wool prices in previous seasons, mainly gen-  The Holts are one of the early breeders of Dohnes in eastern
        erated by the pandemic, a significant number of sheep breeders   Australia and join approximately 15,000 Dohnes ewes.
        have retained their wool from both 2019 and 2020 harvests. We   In the trial 900 pure Dohne ewes will be joined (AI) to 10 Dohne
                                                             sires (including one Dohne link sire) and two Poll Merino link
        are a few months away from completing the 2021 harvest and   sires.
        we still have not seen signs of substantial price improvement
        (actual prices are half of 2019 prices).             The evaluation will be run under the auspices of Australian
        Luckily, the sheep meat situation is different, in recent months   Merino Sire Evaluation Association (AMSEA) and funding of the
        the price of both sheep and lamb meat has risen (USD 4.36 per   link sires will be provided by Australian Wool Innovation (AWI).
                                                             Data from the evaluation will be reported ‘within flock’ and
        kg of lamb, and USD 4.20 per kg of ewe), this is mainly due to   across flock in the Merino Select Analysis and the Dohne Anal-
        the increase in demand at the international market, mainly due
        to the Chinese market. These prices are historically high for our   ysis.
        country.                                             The evaluation will include the slaughter of the wether lambs
                                                             with carcase measurements recorded.
                                                             A reproductive trial will be carried out over a three year period
        CALGA                                                (minimum) and is therefore very costly.
        Thanks to the incorporation of this genetics we have obtained   The evaluation will give us;
        superior rams for the substantial improvement of the flock,
        incorporating structure, conformation, bone and long bodied,   • Genomic numbers,
        maintaining excellent characteristics related to wool.   • Dohne performance against leading Poll Merino link sires,
                                                             • Prove that productive sheep can be bare breeched, and
        Analyzing the international market, we believe that these types   • Carcass traits .... yield, intramuscular fat, fat depth, eye mus-
        of animals are the right way to succeed.             cle and ideally meat to bone ratio.
        We hope that in the future we can continue acquiring genetics
        from this prestigious stud.  Thanks Hernan for the kind words!
        Hernan was also a guide for the Australians at the World Dohne   Below: The Southern Sale done and dusted for another year.
        Conference held in Uruguay in 2018.                     Caroonboon team relaxing with their 2 top canines Coco and Darkie
                                                                                 after the 2020 Southern Sale at Wanganella.
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