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"the trips with him to various ram sale and
shows including Adelaide.. Bill was always
great company recalling many stories of the
past, including jackarooing at various sheep
stations and of many esteemed sheepmen he
had worked with such as Tom Culley, Wonga,
"Bill our good friend will be greatly missed
by all in the wool industry."
Bill's other passion was race horsing which
he shared with his parents and his brother
Andrew (Joe) who said "Bill and I shared the
same passion for race horsing, we were al-
ways discussing the form together and I will
miss these calls."
Bill Mildren was a proud family man, always
talking about them and their achievements'
and is survived by his sons, Scott and Jamie
and daughter Jane Brice, along with grand-
children Emily, Georgina, Ben, Noah, Ari,
Dusty and Kit.
His brother Andrew 'Joe' and sister Wendy Saclier who
remembered Bill as a very generous and kind man.
There are no bad Dohnes
only good ones
Peter and Susan Scoles “Rugby" Lightning Ridge.
Hello to all the Dohne lovers, "Rugby "is located between Col-
larenebri and Lightning Ridge in North Western NSW. We have
been running commercial Dohne flock here since 2006. Our
first Dohne rams where obtained by embryo insemination into 25
cross breed ewes with Peter Clonan one of the original import-
ers of the Dohne blood lines into Australia. We ended up with 9
rams which were indexed through the Dohne association .
Just to put in perspective, at the time Dohne rams were averag-
ing over $3000 at Roseville Park and Maquarie Dohnes.
We like that all Dohne stud rams are indexed by an assessor for
the Dohne association.
After 2006 we bought rams from “Alfoxton" Chris Clonan, Armi-
dale, In 2010 we started buying Calga Dohnes from Bill and Mar-
gie Pye Coonamble.
And yes;due to the drought we destocked twice keeping 400
Dohne ewes, it was trying times for all.
Since 2010 we have had an exceptional association with the Pyes
Bill Mildren in the foreground during dohne ram selection at
and their Calga Dohnes purchasing many rams over the years.
Caroonboon Station
They have returned excellent gross margins with their heavy
fast maturing lambs and very reasonable wool and even winning
“Best Commercial Fleece" a few times at the Goodooga-
Lightning Ridge CWA Wool Day which has been running for 38
years and averages over 120 fleeces in their wool judging com-
So all the best to Margie and Sandy at their ram sale 2021.
There are no bad Dohnes only better ones.
Calga Dohnes now on Photo: Another fantastic photo from ram client Grace Hemley from Leeton
Instagram in southern NSW.