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Results of the 8th

      Production Ram Sale

      Thurs 3rd October 2020

         The 7th Southern Production Sale held for the sixth time
         at Caroonboon Station  Wanganella, attracted a good
         crowd with  buyers registered from NSW, VIC, and SA.
         Total offered. 83
         Rams Sold. 83
         Registered Buyers: 18

         Top Price. $4,750 for Lot 3 DJ190041 was purchased by   The Caroonboon team, Stevo, Benny, Jeremy, Mulla and Jack having a break
         Coonong Pastoral Company, Urana NSW. They went onto                                 between processing rams.
         purchase another 4 rams.

         DD Average $2,676.47   Top $4,750
         CA Average $2,903.85   Top $3,500
         UC Average $2,826.39   Top $4,250               Are Dohnes the Wallabies or

         Sale Average $2,777.11
                                                         the All Blacks  Jason Southwell  Stud Master
         Volume Buyers.                                                                                     Calga Uardry and DD Dohnes
         Yaccabri Pastoral Co, Rankin Springs NSW
         Yurdyilla Pastoral Co, Hay NSW
         Timbie,  Yeoval  NSW
         Cathcart Nominees Pty Ltd, Deniliquin NSW          It is with great sorrow and frustration that I have watched the
         JC & LM Clark, Hay NSW                             steady demise of the Australian Rugby team, from winning the
         WD & PK Caldow, Edenhope VIC                       World Cup in 1999 to easy beats dropping to a lowly ranking of 7
         SA  & MJ & DE Eddy Mathoura  NSW                   in the world.
                                                            I look back to my long-ago rugby playing days with the mighty
         The sale was conducted by  Landmark & Elders  Studstock   Hay Cutters; at every stage there were the one or two stand out
         with Peter Godbolt and Ron Rutledge sharing the auction-  players. The player’s player or the leading goal kicker. The best
         eering.                                            in a team of 15.
                                                            If they were very good, they made the Riverina representative
                                                            team, the best 15 out of 15 teams or if exceptional, they made
                                                            Country, the best 15 out of hundreds of players.
                                                            As the number of players increased it became a greater honour
                                                            to reach the top.
                                                            The 15 men that run on for the Wallabies are the best out of
                                                            230,000 registered players in Australia but as we have seen
                                                            recently are far from the best in the world.
                                                            You may ask what has this got to do with a sheep breed?
                                                            To the converted, the Dohne is a highly productive and profitable
                                                            breed well suited to the Australian environment. A true dual-
                                                            purpose breed with doing ability, fertility, meat with non mulesed
                                                            merino wool.
                                                            One of the major strengths of the Dohne breed is the compulso-
                                                            ry use of objective measurement to rank animals across breed
                                                            on their genetic merit.
                                                            Calga currently has the No 1 Dohne ranked sire in Australia, CA-
                                                            173301 with an index of 219%. He is in the top 5% of the Dohne
                                                            breed for post weaning weight, fleece weight and number of
                                                            lambs weaned.
                                                            In rugby terms he made the Cutters First 15 in 2017. The number
                                                            one ranked animal out of the 1,187 lambs tested at Calga for that
       Photo Left to Right: Bulk buyers Angus Phelps, Ruth Phelps and   year. He then went onto make country out of 19,831 Dohne lambs
       Ian Clarke of Yurdyilla Pastoral Co, Hay NSW         tested across Australia that same year. Finally, he has now se-
                                                            cured a position in the Wallabies as the number one ranked sire
                                                            across the Dohne breed.
                                                            But is CA-173301 good enough to be an All Black?
                 DOHNES ADVANTAGES                          As it stands there were 11,917 registered 2019 drop players in the
                                                            Dohne analysis. This compares to 99,800 registered players in
          Faster Growth = Increase in Profit                the Fine-medium merino analysis. Where would CA-173301 rank
           Earlier Maturity = Greater Profitability         out of 99,800 registered players, would he make the grade?
                                                            Are Dohnes the Wallabies or the All Blacks? Unless they meet
                                                            on the same rugby field we will never know.
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