Page 80 - cibei111_Neat
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78  慈 悲素香                                                                                                               食 谱 提 供                                                                 79
                                                                                                                                八打 灵 观 音 亭 香积 厨 组
                                     意大利千层面                                                                                     明彤法师、李慧明、饶金英

                             Braised Vegetarian Lion Head

          材料:                                         装饰:新鲜洋芫茜、罗勒叶、欧芹香草叶、
          千层面                 1盒                      帕马森芝士粉                                                                                                                                      百
          莫扎瑞拉芝士丝   500克
                                                      1)在8吋X8吋方形烤盘涂上牛油,铺上少许                                                                                                                       味
          牛油                       2汤匙                                                                                                                                                            千
          橄榄油                     2汤匙
          玉米油/菜油          1汤匙                                                                                                                                                                     寻
          包菜硬梗(切丁)  半飯碗(代替大葱甜度)
                                                      4)放入预热烤箱以160 C烤1小时。
          素火腿(切丁)           半飯碗
                                                      5)取出切成四方形块撒上帕马森芝士和新                                                                                                                         西
          罐头蘑菇(切丁)   1罐
          萝卜                            1條(剁碎)
          蕃茄                            2粒(切丁)                                                                                                                                                    游
          茄子                            2大條(切丁)       1 box    Lasagna   sheets   *pls.   Refer
          罐头蕃茄酱             1罐(500克)                  instructions          cooking  method  info                                                                                                 记
          罐头蕃茄膏             1小罐(150克)                 of  packaging
                                                      500 gm    Grated Mozzarella cheese
                                                      Vegetarian bolognese sauce ingredients:
          奥勒岗香草叶碎           1汤匙
                                                      2 tbsp    Butter
          意大利综合香料           1汤匙
                                                      2 tbsp    Olive oil
          月桂叶               2片                                                                                                                                   Garnishing:
                                                      1 tbsp    Corn/vegetables flower oil
          黑胡椒碎              1茶匙                                                                                                                                     Fresh parsley, basil leaves, Grated Parmesan
                                                      1/2 bowl   Chopped cabbage harden stem part                       fry till golden brown then add in all remaining
          盐                 1茶匙                                                                                                                                     cheese
                                                      1/2 bowl   Vegetarian ham(diced)                                  ingredients stir fry till aromatic.
          水                 500毫升
                                                      1 can     Button mushroom (diced)                              2)   Add  in  all  seasoning  ingredients  cook  the   Lasagna preparation method:
                                                      1 no      Carrot( chopped)                                        sauces till turn into tomato red in colour, turn   1)   Prepare  8inch  x  8inch  square  baking  tray,
          做法:                                         2 no      Tomato (diced)                                          off heat set aside.                         grease  with  butter  scoop  in  thin  layer  of
          1) 热锅倒入牛油、橄榄油、菜油、包菜硬梗                       2 no      Eggplant (diced)                                                                                    vegetarian  bolognese  sauce  on  baking  tray
                                                                                                                     White cream sauce batter ingredients:
              碎,素火腿丁炒至金黄色后加入其余的                       1 can     Tomatoes purée (500gm)                                                                              then place a layer of lasagna sheets .
                                                                                                                     200 gm    Butter
              饀料食材炒香片刻。                               1 small can Tomatoes paste (150gm)                                                                         2)  Scoop  in  bolognese  sauce,  then  layer  by
                                                                                                                     4 tbsp    Plain flour
          2)加入调味料煮至酱料茄红色熄火备用。                                                                                                                                       white  cream  batter  and  sprinkle  grated
                                                      Seasoning:                                                     1000 ml   Fresh full cream milk
                                                                                                                                                                    mozzarella  cheese  over,  according  step  by
                                                      1 tbsp    Oregano flakes                                       1 tsp     Salt
                                                                                                                                                                    step, layer by layer.
          白酱材料:                                       1 tbsp    Italian mixed herbs                                  1 tsp     Crushed black pepper
                                                                                                                                                                 3)   Repeat method 2 for 3layers.
          牛油         200克        面粉     4汤匙           2 pcs     Dried bay leaves
                                                                                                                     Method:                                     4)  Lastly  pour  all  remaining  white  cream
          全脂牛奶  1000亳升           盐      1茶匙           1 tsp     Crushed black pepper
                                                                                                                     1)   Melt butter in pot , slowly pour in plain flour   sauce on top of 3rd layer, sprinkle full grated
          黑胡椒碎  1茶匙                                   1 tsp     Salt
                                                                                                                        stir  fry  till  aromatic  and  slightly  golden   mozzarella cheese evenly.
                                                      500 ml    Water
                                                                                                                        brown,add in salt and crushed black pepper   5)   Bake in the pre-heat oven for 1 hours under
          做法:                                         Method:                                                           stir evenly.                                160 C.
          1)在鍋里煮溶牛油,慢慢加入面粉炒香至稍                        1)   Heat up butter, olive oil, corn oil in pot add in         2)   Lastly add in fresh full cream milk boil under   6)   Dish out and cut into square shape, sprinkle
             微金黄色后加入盐和黑胡椒碎炒均匀。                           chopped  cabbage  harden  stem  (substitute                    low heat till thicken,turn of heat set aside.  grated parmesan cheese on top and garnish
          2)再加入牛奶慢火煮沸至浓稠,熄火备用。                           sweetness of onion), diced vegetarian ham stir                                                             with fresh herbs leaves. Serve and enjoy.
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