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                                                THE BASIC KIT

                 The most frequent and preliminary requirement of all preschool sections has been assorted as the Montessori Materials Basic
                  Kit. These items fulfill all major tasks and learning objectives as per Montessori training concepts. Visual feel of these items
                               are listed below. However, some designs and colors may change from these pictures.

                Dressing Frame                 D-Frame Safety Pin              Cylinder Blocks
                Order Code :  P-01V2           Order Code: P01-SP5             Order Code :  S-01

                Dressing frames have been designed to   This frame affords toddlers to practice   Cylinder Blocks allow a child to observe
                teach a child one skill at a time. The skills   how to use safety pins on cloths. Mastery   and visualize discrimination of a
                like tying of laces, closing buttons, zip-up,   of these skills makes a toddler confident   cylinder’s size and volume to the
                buckle-up etc. Eight frames are part of   to perform basic household chores   corresponding placeholder where it
                BASIC KIT with fixed stand.    without assistance.             belongs. A toddler learns to decode
                                                                               deceptive similarity of appearance.

                Knobless Cylinder               Pink Tower W Stand             Brown Stairs W Stand
                Order Code :  S-02              Order Code :  S-03             Order Code :  S-04

                The Knobless cylinders are designed in   Pink Tower teaches a child about   Brown Stairs are made in dimension from
                exact volumetric resemblance with those   volumetric increments from 1 cubic cm to   1x1x20cm through 10x10x20cm. These
                of Cylinder Blocks. A child is required to   10 cubic cm. A child observes increasing   items teach toddlers how steady
                arrange them in order of sequence.    volume and feels corresponding changes   increments in volume appear when one
                                                in size, mass and weight of each cube.  dimension is kept constant.
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