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            Large Movable Alphabet              Large Number Rods                 Number Cards
            Order Code :  L-04                  Order Code :  M-01                Order Code :  M-01K2

            Large Movable Alphabets are used by the   The Large Number Rods are for learning   The Printed Numerals are used with the
            children for composing words. Box    basic arithmetic. It consists of 10 wooden   Number Rods to associate quantity with
            contains 10 of each consonant in pink and   rods, of alternating color patterns (red and   symbol 1–10.
            15 of each vowel in blue.            blue) from 10 cm to 1 meter in length.

              Sand Paper Numbers                Spindle Box                        Spindle Box
              Order Code :  M-02                Order Code : M-03V1                Order Code : M-03V2

              The Sandpaper Numbers prepare a child for writing   The Spindle Box consists of 45 loose plastic   The high end version of Spindle Box with 45
              numbers. The box contains 10 green board with   spindles for associating quantity and   wooden spindles is for quality seeking
              numbers written in sandpaper material on the   symbol for the numbers 0–9.   customers.
              smooth surface of the tablet.                                        (NOT IN BASIC KIT)

              Number Board & Counters            Puzzle - Map of World              Puzzle - Map of Pakistan
              Order Code :  M-04                 Order Code :  G-01                 Order Code :  G-02

              The number boards with counters are printed red   These Puzzle Maps introduce a child to the   The Puzzle Map of Pakistan introduces a child to
              on wooden tablets. The box contains 10 boards   knowledge of world geography. Knobs on each   the geography of the country. The cut out
              with 55 counters.                  puzzle piece are positioned for easy handling of   sections of all provinces with knobs orients a
                                                 the pieces.                        child to its shape and location.
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10