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1st Box of Color Tablet
                                                                           2nd Box of Color Tablet
            Red Rods                    Page6
            Order Code:  S-05              Order Code :  S-06A1            Order Code :  S-06A2
            Red Rods give a child visual discrimination   The first box of color tablets introduce a   The second box of color tablets introduce
            of length. These are designed with steady   child with primary colors; Red, Blue and   secondary and tertiary colors to the child.
            increments from 10cm to 1 meter while   Yellow. Consists of 6 tablets of each   The box contains 22 tablets of colors in
            keeping the cross sectional area constant.  primary color in pair.  pair.

            3rd Box of Color Tablet        Rough and Smooth Board Rough Gradation Tablets
            Order Code :  S-06A3           Order Code :  S-07A1            Order Code :  S-07A3

            The third box of color tablets introduces a child   This set of 2 boards develops tactile sense   Rough gradation tablets introduce a child to
            to the discrimination of colors w.r.t. intensity   in a child and prepares the hand for   feel the increments in roughness. The box
            gradation. Consists of 63 tablets of 9 colors,   writing. Each board is 24 x 13 cm in size   contains 5 pairs of varying grades of
            each having 7 grades of intensity.   with sandpaper strips mounted on smooth   sandpaper mounted on 12 x 9 cm tablets.
            (NOT IN BASIC KIT)             wood.

            Baric Tablets                  Demonstration Tray              Geometrical Cabinet
            Order Code :  S-09             Order Code :  S-13              Order Code :  S-14

            This item shows a child, how similar size tablets   The Demonstration Tray is like the   The Geometrical cabinet introduces a child
            could have different weights.  The wood used for   Geometrical Cabinet in isolation. It also   to plane geometry. Set consists of 6
            making these tablets has different weight and color  introduces experiences in plane geometry.  drawers having 3 insets and frames.
            for association. Set has 3 boxes of 21 Tablets.
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