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                The Geometric Solids           Constructive Triangles         Constructive Blue Triangles
                Order Code :  S-15             Order Code :  S-16             Order Code :  S-17

                A child learns about solid geometry through   Constructive triangles allow a child to   Constructive Blue triangles allow a child to make
                these 10 Geometric Solids.     experience the plane geometry. The set   different geometrical shapes using right angle
                                               consists of 5 boxes each having triangles   triangles.
                                               of varying sizes, shapes and color.

                Sound Boxes                    Sound Boxes                    Metal Insets
                Order Code :  S-20V1           Order Code :   S-20V2          Order Code :   L-01

                The Sound Boxes develop auditory   This version of Sound Boxes has wooden   Metal insets have been designed with a
                discrimination in a child. The set consists   cylinders for auditory discrimination which   purpose to strengthen the two fingers and a
                of two boxes of 6 sealed plastic cylinders   gives a classy look and feel.   thumb grip that is utilized for holding pencil.
                graded from very soft to loud sound when   (NOT IN BASIC KIT)  Also used for outlining activities for drawing
                shaken.                                                       and coloring.

               Sandpaper Letters (abc)          Sandpaper Letters (ABC)         Sandpaper Letters (Urdu)
               Order Code :  L-02A1             Order Code :  L-02A2            Order Code :  L-03

               The Sandpaper Letters have been designed to   The Sandpaper Letters have been designed allow   The concept of Sandpaper Letters has been used
               make a child familiar with movement of hands   a child to trace the letters in direction and style as   to formulate Urdu language writing skills for our
               that result in writing each particular letter. For   they are written. These letters are designed with a   local students. These letters are designed with a
               differentiation blue color is used for vowels and   space on either side for a child to steady the   space on either side for a child to steady the
               pink for consonants.             board while it traces with other hand.    board while it traces with other hand.
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