Page 18 - Remington Acres Estates HOA - Board Meeting - February 2, 2021
P. 18


                   Compliance runs will continue as normal, ARC applications are manditory
                         for any work you want to do to the front of the lot and/or home.

                    Please be aware of the speed limit while driving in our community.   The
                  speed limit is 25 mph  -  We do not want to be forced to install speed bumps.

                 If you have any ideas on projects that you would like for the community,

                or have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact

                                    Cassie Livingstone –

                                               Request from the Board

                         In search of Community Coordinator and / or odd jobs handler.

           Mailbox replacement, judging on the decoration prizes at Halloween & Christmas, etc

                                 There is also one position available on the board.

                           If you are interested, feel free to contact Cassie Livingston

                                                                         Next Board Meeting

     Management Contact Information

        Remington Acres Estates HOA                                       FEBRUARY 2  @ 6PM
                    c/o ADAM LLC                                 AVRA VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH
               516 E. Fort Lowell Road

               Tucson, Arizona 85705                                 16400 W. AVRA VALLEY ROAD
                                                                              OR ONLINE AT

                  Cassie Livingston
                 520.624.1206 X 316           

                                 For an email with the link – please email Cassie
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