Page 13 - Remington Acres Estates HOA - Board Meeting - February 2, 2021
P. 13
Our anticipated agenda for the next two years are as follows:
• Reduce the dues - Done
• Verify current contracts with the HOA to make sure they are
valid and are best suited for our community – Done
• Review all financials to make sure all is corrected as needed - Done
• Review delinquencies & pending compliance matters to see if
they can be rectified in a manner to be a "win / win" for both
homeowner and the HOA
• Mail out questionnaires to all owners concerning dissolution of
the HOA
• Amend the Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation to disburse all
funds to the homeowners if the HOA is dissolved
• Pending the decision to dissolve or not, whether permanent or
temporary, nominate a community coordinator to find ways to
"give back" to the community
• We will have holiday decoration prizes for both Halloween and
• All board meetings will be available at the church and online so
all owners can benefit from the meetings