Page 11 - Ridgewood Cluster_FR.April2023
P. 11

**All color samples shown are not a true representation of the actual color. DO NOT
         match to these samples, as you could end up with the wrong color. Reston Association will
          not reimburse for color matching errors. You must the go to the paint store that sells the
                              manufacturer’s paint and obtain the specified color **
        Decks Only (composite materials)

             EverGrain “Cedar”         EverGrain “Redwood”             EverGrain           Timbertech AZEK “English
                                                                   “Weathered Wood”                 Walnut”

             Timbertech AZEK            Timbertech AZEK               Trex “Saddle”              Trex Enhance
               “Brownstone”             “Weathered Teak”                                         “Coastal Bluff”

               Trex Enhance               Trex Enhance                Trex Enhance               Trex Transcend
               “Beach Dune”              “Rocky Harbor”              “Toasted Sand”              “Havana Gold”

              Trex Transcend              Trex Transcend
               “Tiki Torch”               “Tree House”

                                                   Entry Storm Doors
                                         Match front entry door or house trim (see palette)

                                                   Front Entry Railing
                                                  Painted to match house trim

                                   3-tab or architectural styles (colors shown in architectural style)
                                Original Roofing - GAF, Weathered Grey Blend (no sample available)

            GAF, Timberline               GAF, Timberline              GAF, Timberline                 Sample
           “Williamsburg Slate”            “Pewter Grey”                   “Slate”                    Available

                                                                                                     “Slate Gray”

          CertainTeed, Landmark        CertainTeed, Landmark        CertainTeed, Landmark
          “Patriot Colonial Slate”        “Colonial Slate”                “Pewter”
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