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Did you come from a regional campus?

                                                                         Welcome, Huskies, to the Storrs campus! It can be hard to feel
                                                                         like you are a new Husky when really you have been a Husky for at
                                                                         least a couple of years! So, now that you are here with us, you can
                                                                         continue participating in the things that you were involved with at
                                                                         your regional campus or start fresh and try out new things. Check
                                                                         out our student organization database at
                                                                         Jump right in so you don’t miss anything!

    Carren Jepchumba                                                     Are you a transfer student?

     Graduation year: 2018                                               It’s not easy being an experienced college student, but also
     Majors: Pharmacy                                                    feeling like a first year student on campus. Depending on where
                                                                         you transferred from, Storrs can feel small and cozy or large and
     How I got involved: As an out-of-state student, and a freshman,     overwhelming. One way to get off to a good start is to take an FYE
     the best decisions that I made were to live in the Pharmacy         class designed just for transfer students. It will be comforting
     Learning Community and apply to the Louis Stokes Alliances          to be with people who are experiencing the same things you are.
     for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program because this             Beyond that, just jump in to campus life! Start a study group with
     is where I found out about Four Arrows which is part of the         people in your major, join a student organization, and get to some
     Leadership Office in Student Activities. After participating in     athletic events. You’ll be an experienced Husky in no time.
     a challenge course with Four Arrows, I learned that they had
     student staff, decided to apply for a facilitator position, and     Rachel Conboy
     have been successfully working for them ever since. My second
     semester in my sophomore year was by far the hardest time for       Graduation year: 2016
     me at UConn as I went through a situation that I did not know       Majors: Political Science & History
     how handle and it took a long time before I realized how much it    How I got involved: When I entered college I was fortunate
     was affecting me personally and academically. I didn’t realize      to come to UConn with a strong group of friends from home,
     that all I needed was a safe space to talk about my situation.      although I never completely lost that nervous thought of what
     Four Arrows gave me that space. Four Arrows helped me set           I would do if I had to deal with homophobia. I knew from high
     personal and academic goals, giving me something to strive for      school what my interests were and the student government at
     even when I wanted to give up. I would not have been recently       UConn was one organization that offered a large spectrum of
     accepted into the School of Pharmacy had it not been for the        possibilities. When I first entered the organization, I saw how
     constant support from Four Arrows along with friends from other     open members were about their sexual orientation. This
     organizations I am involved with. The best part about Four          experience made me appreciate our Student Government more
     Arrows is that there is an understanding that staff are students    than ever. I’m proud now to be the president of the organization
     first and they want you to leave UConn as a well-rounded            which gave me such a warm welcome, and I hope to offer the
     individual, which means being encouraged to enjoy your college      same welcome to all UConn students!
     experience and take part in other opportunities.                    Advice for students new to the UConn, Storrs campus: You are
                                                                         going to have a lot of decisions to make within the first few
     Advice for students new to the UConn, Storrs campus: Dare to        weeks of school. They range between building friendships, what
     step out of your comfort zone. Try to take elective courses         to do on weekends, and what to get involved with. I’d say don’t
     that you don’t think you would like or get involved in research     limit yourself, be open to everyone and all new experiences.
     outside your major. If you have friends from high school at         There is no other time in your life where you will have all these
     UConn, try to get to know people outside of your friend group.      opportunities presented to you at once. Don’t let anything hold
     There are over 600 groups to get involved with - explore a few      you back from making the most of these 4 (or more) years.
     before you settle. Lastly, be kind to everyone because UConn is
     smaller than you think.

    Are you a veteran?

     It can be a huge transition from the formality of military life to
     spontaneous and laid back college life. There are other students
     who are experiencing what you are. Meet like-minded individuals
     in our Veterans Student Organization. For more information about
     Veterans Resources visit

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