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P. 31


Best study practices for learning styles

Auditory                               Visual

-Record lectures and listen later      -Reference videos and visual
-Use your own words to speak aloud     presentations
the information you are studying       -Use flashcards
-Use word associations to remember     -Color code, highlight and underline
facts                                  when reading or taking notes

Read-Write                             Kinesthetic

-Take detailed notes                   -Use flashcards
-Create bulleted lists from the        -Study with others and share
information you have in your notes     information
-Dissect charts or diagrams and write  -Schedule short blocks of study time
out the information

Studying tips and tricks

Organize your notes                    Eat properly

Use specific notebooks, binders or     Always start the day with breakfast.
a color-coded system for each class.   Healthy food is your brain’s fuel.

Create a study zone                    Take breaks

Find a place where you can             Getting up and moving around every
concentrate and has minimal            so often will help you stay focused
distractions. Stay away from           and able to concentrate.
electronics on which you can
access social media.

Get familiar with                      Listen for highlighted
the syllabus                           information

Review it early and often so you       Pay attention to information that
know what is coming up.                the professor emphasizes or repeats.

Find a study group                     Study daily

Studying with others can help to       Don’t leave studying to the last
understand the material in different   minute, and avoid cramming for a test.
ways and from different view points.   Begin your paper well in advance
If you can teach each other the        and work away at it until it is due.
information, you have learned it! | |

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