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Earning your degree is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to get        Here is some space for you to start sketching out your
yourself organized, stay on track, and regroup when necessary.          own goals:
In movies, college students are often portrayed as staying up all
night to study, cramming for exams, eating fast food—sometimes
in the middle of the night, and wasting a lot of time. That may work
in movies, but that will not help you get the most out of your time at
UConn. Setting self-care, social, and extra-curricular goals is sure
to enhance academic progress and success. Take some time very
early in the semester to consider the following topics:


     •Eating: often enough, healthy food, enjoying food
       with friends

     •Hydration: getting enough water
     •Sleep: getting ready for sleep, getting enough

       sleep, sleeping at consistent times
     •Exercise: working out regularly to manage stress, working

       out with friends or participating in recreational sports


     •Keeping in touch with family
     •Spending quality time with friends who are not at UConn
     •Spending quality time with Husky friends
     •Make new friends in your major
     •Combining eating and exercise activities with friends


     •Fully participate in a student organization
     •Volunteering your time for a good cause

Once you have considered these topics, set “process” goals. You
probably realized that these topics can overlap. Here are some

     •I will sleep eight hours a night during the week, and
       always go to bed at 11:00 pm

     •I will always carry my water bottle with me
     •I will lift at the gym four mornings each week
     •I will play intramural softball with friends who are in my

       student organization
     •I will participate in two community services days-one

       each semester
     •I will meet my friends for dinner each weeknight at 6 pm

       and we will put our phones away while we eat and catch up

26 Getting your Campus Life Organized
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