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The Defining Photo

There are over 30 peer education programs on campus offering           PA2SS
counseling and support, advocacy, programs for specific majors,
and general academic support. Here is a sampling of some of the        Preparing African American Students to Sustain Success (PA2SS)
programs designed to assist students who are new to Storrs.            is a one credit peer mentoring class of cohorts that are designed
                                                                       to assist first-year and transfer students with their transition to
Asiantation Mentoring Program                                          the UConn community. Experienced students serve as mentors
                                                                       and liaisons to campus resources, services, organizations, events
(AMP) The Asiantation Mentoring Program is a peer education            and opportunities. The PA2SS class supports the mission of the
program that helps incoming Asian & Asian American students            African American Cultural Center through promoting cultural
adapt to their new college environment. Student are paired with        preservation, quality leadership and academic excellence through
continuing students who will be resources to assist them through       a unique approach to cultural advocacy, academic support and
their first year and beyond. A variety of workshops are offered in     community outreach. The class is open to all students.
topics such as academic success, career preparation, and outreach
                                                                       Q Center
                                                                       The University of Connecticut’s Quantitative Learning Center (Q
(Fostering Academics, Maturity, Independence, Leadership,              Center) is a resource to elevate the proficiency of students taking
Empowerment & Excellence) The F.A.M.I.L.E.E. Mentor Program            quantitative intensive (Q) courses across the undergraduate
pairs new students with continuing students during their first or      curriculum. They provide direct assistance to students via peer
transfer year, involving group activities and one-on-one meetings.     tutoring, review sessions, and the creation of innovative learning
This program is run through the Rainbow Center.                        tools. Free drop-in peer tutoring is available Sundays to Fridays on                                                the first floor of the Homer Babbidge Library.


First Year Experience                                                  Student Support Services (SSS) - Peer Advising

The UConn’s FYE program is comprised of course offerings and           The SSS Peer Advising Program includes Peer Advisors and Peer
services that foster student success, development, transition, and     Tutors. The Peer Advisors mentor first year SSS students and
leadership. First and second year students at the University study     assist them in the transition from high school to college. The Peer
and engage in exploration, learning, and research in small 19 seat     Tutors provide academic support to SSS undergraduate students
seminar sections. FYE courses are collaborative, community-based       in disciplines that pose particular problems in advancing their
offerings that provide active and experiential learning.               programs of study.                                                

METAS Program                                                          The UConn Sexperts

The METAS (Mentoring, Educating, and Training for Academic             The UConn Sexperts is a peer education group within Wellness and
Success) Program is a peer mentoring program designed to assist        Prevention. They provide sexual health and stress management
first-year and transfer students with their college transition. Learn  education and strategies to the campus community. This nationally
about resources and opportunities at UConn; attend educational,        award winning program is open to first year students who can
cultural, and social events; and meet other students who are going     develop their leadership skills throughout their UConn experience.
through the same experience.                                                                                                                          Ways to Get Involved 23
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