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FYE: First Year Experience                                         Working While You’re a Student

UConn’s FYE program consists of course offerings and               Though many students work while in school, some students,
services that foster student success, development, transition,     families, and educators believe that working during the academic
and leadership. Through our course offerings, first and second     year serves as a distraction from what should be a student’s top
year students at the University study and engage in exploration,   priority: their academics.
learning, and research in small 19-seat seminar sections.
                                                                   But studies show that students who work up to 30 hours a week do
FYE course offerings are taught by instructors drawn from          just as well or even better academically than those who don’t.
departments and colleges throughout the university system
who are assisted by undergraduate peer mentors and graduate        In addition, the 2008 National Survey of Student Engagement
leaders, allowing our courses to become collaborative,             demonstrated that working while in school was positively
community-based offerings for active and experiential learning.    correlated with student engagement. And the 2009 Beginning
                                                                   Postsecondary Students longitudinal study demonstrated that                                                      students who worked 1-12 hours a week had higher Bachelor’s
                                                                   degree attainment rates than students who did not work.
Residential Life: First Six Weeks Initiative
If you are a new-to-UConn-Storrs student living in the residence   Part-time work allows you to:
halls, you will have the opportunity to participate in an awesome       •Perfect time-management skills necessary for academic
program, the First Six Weeks Initiative.                                  success
                                                                        •Reduce your need for student loans and the resulting
The goal of the initiative is to engage first year and returning          indebtedness
students through a variety of activities, such as RA programs and       •Gain career-related experience as you clarify goals, acquire
events, area-wide programs, and campus events.                            skills and self-confidence, and build a network of contacts

The programs and events cover six areas, and are designed to:      For more information about jobs at UConn, work study, and the
1. build community, 2. help students get connected, 3. learn       rights of student workers on campus, go to:
what it means to be a good citizen at UConn, 4. learn to practice
respect and acceptance of all people and how to take action        *Sources: UCSD Student Employment; Levy, D. “The Benefits of Working
against injustice, 5. develop self-care and self-advocacy          While Enrolled in College”
strategies, and 6. learn to practice critical thinking and
problem solving, as well as how to integrate the classroom                        Getting your Campus Life Organized 27
and out-of-class worlds.

For more information, see your RA.
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