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It is important to remember that there is such a thing as too much  passionate about is a way to keep yourself happy, not stressed out,
involvement. We want you to enjoy a healthy and productive          and certainly not bored. Also, graduate schools and employers are
college experience. That means taking into account all of           on the lookout for people who excel academically and are involved
your commitments, from academics to family, to work, and            in meaningful activities outside the classroom.
everything in between, when making decisions about getting
involved at UConn.                                                  Integration

Student First                                                       How do you take on your courses, actively participate in
                                                                    involvement opportunities, and still have time for yourself?
Being a college student is like having a full-time job. Your        The thing to remember is that each aspect of college life (classes,
first priority during your time at UConn should be academic         work, friends, clubs, etc.) is not a separate, isolated entity.
achievement. At UConn, this means more than just attending          Instead, these aspects link to create an integrated educational
class and turning in homework. It means actively engaging           experience. For example, get to know your professors and
with the disciplines you study, thinking critically, and gaining    fellow students outside of class. Create study groups. Join clubs
knowledge through research and practical experience.                or participate in service projects that are related to your major.
Co-curricular involvement should never take precedence over         Of course, not all of your activities will relate to your major. You’ll
the academic aspects of college life.                               want to attend athletic events, concerts and movies, and
                                                                    participate in activities provided by the Department of Recreation
Balance                                                             Services. All of these activities combined will make your UConn
                                                                    experience a healthy, productive, and special one.
This focus on academics does not mean that you should spend all
of your time studying. Productivity takes a huge dip when people
are unhappy, stressed out, or bored. Joining programs that you are

28 Getting your Campus Life Organized
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