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Abby Raynor                                                         Are you afraid of going alone?

Graduation year: 2017                                               Few things make people more nervous than the thought of being
Major: Global Health                                                alone in public for a meal or an event. Be assertive with your
                                                                    friends. Say, “Hey, I want to go to this movie, anyone want to go?”
How I got involved: When I came to UConn I was initially terrified  or, “Is anyone going to dinner soon?” Most people are drawn to
of the enormous student body that rivaled the population of my      confident people, so if you are asking these questions in a bold
hometown. Even as a generally outgoing and sociable person,         way, people will come with you. You can also take the honest
I originally struggled to form connections with those who shared    approach, and do it in an assertive way: “I have to go to this
similar interests, goals and passions. I found my home here on      program for class and I don’t want to go alone. Anyone want to go?
campus while pursuing community service opportunities through       I’ll go with you when you have to go to something.” If you do have to
multiple organizations, the foremost being the Community            go to something alone, go with confidence! Walk strong. Bring
Outreach Office and the UConn chapter of Global Brigades.           a book to read or a notebook to write in… pretend to be doing
I remember walking through the section of the Involvement           observation for a class. And after a few times doing this, you will
Fair where such groups were tabling, and being truly amazed by      find that you are actually stronger and braver than you think!
the scope of the impact UConn students were having on local,
domestic, and international communities and environments.           Are you shy?
Service learning has played an integral role in challenging my
perspectives and ideals, while encouraging me to form meaning-      It’s natural for some people to get nervous about jumping into
ful relationships with amazingly talented individuals. Ironically,  the social scene. Don’t try to overcome shyness all at once… do
it took traveling on trips across the United States and Latin       it gradually. A good way to start is to do one thing that is “braver”
America to realize that these experiences are what had              than you usually do in your typical activities. Make eye contact
transformed UConn into my second home.                              with someone, smile, and say “hi.” Ask a question in class. As
                                                                    you get used to these activities, create new ones. It’s also a good
Advice for students new to the UConn, Storrs campus: The            idea to get involved in activities that have structure and help you to
biggest piece of advice I could offer a student new to the          talk to others, guided by leaders helping the conversations along.
Storrs Campus would be to understand that it is normal to feel      You will meet others who are involved and have a chance to have
overwhelmed, lonely, and confused within the first few weeks        conversations when you are training or meeting, going to projects
of school, but also to know that things do get better. The          and talking about common experiences. It’s okay to be a quiet
advantages of going to such a large institution are that you are    and reserved person. But we don’t want you in your room on your
going to find your place, your people, and ultimately your home     computer all the time--we want you with us at programs and taking
here on campus sooner than you think. Get involved, try             part in clubs and organizations!
something you may think you’ll never like, and cherish every
minute of it because these are going to be some of the most         Are you a former high school athlete?
amazing years of your life!
                                                                    It can be a huge transition from being a high school athlete to
                                                                    becoming a college student. Unless you are a college varsity
                                                                    athlete, you are probably thinking that you will have to let go of
                                                                    your love of the game. But you don’t! We have over 40 club sports,
                                                                    and these teams compete with other college teams. We also have
                                                                    dozens of recreational teams that compete with other UConn
                                                                    teams on campus.

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