Page 4 - BB_Jan_2020
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J ANU AR Y 2020

                                                                 6       Message from Jeff Czar

                                                                 8       Message from Kristi Sutterfield

                                         10                      13      Digital Transformation of a Builder

                                         Holiday Gala
                                         & Installation          14      2020 Summit Awards
                                                                 16      What Millennial Buyers Want

                                                                 18      Spring Tour of Homes

                                                                 19      2020 Parade of Homes™
                                         20                     22       Pantone™ Color of the Year

                                         Military Thanksgiving
                                         Luncheon               24       GSAEF Charity Home
                                                                28       Spirit Award Winners
                                              GSABA Of ce Will Be Closed
                                                                34       Calendar of Events
                                                     December 24  - January 1 st
                                          EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE

           Jeff Czar          Ed Berlanga       Michael Sowry      Shad Schmid        Gilbert Sanchez      Jeff Buell
           President       First Vice President  Vice President Treasurer Vice President Secretary  Assoc. Vice President  Immediate Past President

          Christian Finke    Michael Moore      Frank Sitterle      Steve Louis        Gary Javore       Kristi Sutterfield
     Past Assoc. Vice President  Past President Rep.  Builder Rep.  Builder Rep.     General Counsel  Executive Vice President

                   3625 Paesanos Parkway      GSABA is a local not for pro t trade association that offers opportunities to its members to display their products
                   San Antonio, TX 78231      and services. We make no representation, express or implied, regarding the quali cations of members or the
                   Phone: 210-696-3800        quality of their products and services. The Builder Brief is the of cial publication of the Greater San Antonio
                                              Builders Association. The Builder Brief (USPS # 996-680) is published monthly by the Greater San Antonio
                      Builders Association. Periodicals postage paid in San Antonio, Texas.

       4                               JANUARY 2020  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION
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