Page 115 - Face2Face Inter
P. 115

        Pair and Group Work: Other activities

           1A       p6

           a  Read the rest of the article. Compare the top ten list in the article with your list from 2b.
           How many reasons are in the same place in both lists?

             The top ten reasons for happiness

             1 YOUR GENES                                    6 RELIGION
             Some people are simply born happier             Four out of five studies show a positive link
             than others. In a study of 4,000 adult twins,   between religion and happiness. Very
             differences in their genes were the main        religious people usually live longer too.
             reasons for their different levels of happiness.
                                                             7 BEING ATTRACTIVE
             2 BEING MARRIED                                 Attractive people believe they're very happy
             All studies show that married couples are       - maybe because they also have good
             happier than single people. Just living         genes and are therefore healthier. Cosmetic
             together without being married doesn't          surgery does not have the same effect!
             have the same effect.
                                                             8 GROWING OLD
             3 FRIENDS AND FAMILY                            Studies show that old people are happy as
             People with large families and lots of close    often as young people and are unhappy less
             friends are usually happier than people who     often. This is probably because they spend
             have a lot of money and live on their own.      more time doing the things they enjoy.

             4 NOT WANTING MORE THAN YOU'VE GOT              9 MONEY
             People who expect to have a successful          When you're poor, money can buy you some
             career, lots of money and the perfect           happiness. However, when people have
             relationship aren't as happy as people who      enough money to live comfortably, more
                                                             money doesn't make them happier.
             accept they've got.     
             5 HELPING OTHERS                                10 INTELLIGENCE
             Studies by psychologists in different countries   Surprisingly, this has very little effect on
             show that when you help other people, it's      happiness. Being able to get on well with
             not only good for them, It also makes you       people is much more important than how
             feel happier.                                   intelligent you are.
                                                                                                                   Adapted from the Daily Mail

           b  Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
           1  Are the reasons in the article true for people you know? Give examples if possible.
           2  Do you disagree with anything in the article? If so, why?
           3  Are there any other reasons for happiness that you think should be in the article?

           1C  :  p11

           a  Work with your partners. You are going          b  Work with the same partners. Decide on these things.
          to start a club for your school, university          Make notes on what you have decided.
           or local community. Discuss what sort of
                                                              •  the name of the club                  •  why people should join
           club you would like to start. Use one of
                                                              •  what people are going to do in           your club
          these ideas or your own.
                                                                  the club                             •  how you're going to advertise
            drama     singing and dancing                     •  when, where and how often                the club
            books     animation    film   art                     you'll meet                          •  any other ideas
            sports    nature   TV    English                   c  Work in new groups or with the whole class. Take turns to talk
            food and drink    travel                           about your club. Use your notes and ideas from b.
            video games     cycling   hiking
                                                               d  Decide which of the other clubs you want to join. Which club
                                                               is the most popular?
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