Page 120 - Face2Face Inter
P. 120

     Extra Practice 3                                                                                   Language Summary 3 p132

     3A  p22                                             Correct the mistakes in these            30  p28
          Match the phrasal verbs in A to                                                              Read the conversation and
          words/phrases in B.                                                                          choose the correct words.
                                                         1  We've been married fef 2003.
                                                                                                       A  Do you  @       1have any good
          A                   B                          2  Marco and Luis has been
                                                                                                           places to eat near the hotel?
          set off ~ at reception                            studying English for three years.                 2
          pick up             the UK                                                                    B  I'd  recommend/recommending
                                                         3  My son's been having this bike
          get around          early                                                                        The Garden Restaurant. It's really
                                                            for six months.
          check in            your parents                                                                 nice and quite cheap.
                                                         4  She's working for the company                       3
                                                                                                       A  That  sound/sounds good. And
          check out           for a week                    since July.                                    what's the  better/best way to
          look after          at 10 a.m.                 5  They've been living in their flat              5 golget around the city?
          go away             problems                      since ten years.                                    6
          deal with           a cat                                                                     B  Well,  it!it's probably best
                                                         6  I've been liking this band since               7  take/to take taxis. And you really
                                                            I was a child.                                      8
          get back            a holiday                                                                    must  to go/go to the National
          put up with         at the airport             7  We've been waiting for the train               Art Gallery  to see/for to see the
          see them off        from Spain                    since two hours ago.                           Picassos.
          look forward to     a lot of noise             8  I've knew my boss for five years.          A  That's good  to know/knowing.
                                                                                                           Have you got any other
                                                         Make questions about the words                    11  recommends/tips?
          Choose the correct words.
                                                         in bold using How long ...  ? or               B  Well, you  canl should definitely
          A  Did/Have you ever  go!been to
                                                         How many ...  ?. ·                                go on a boat trip along the river,
             the USA?                                                                                               13
                                                         1  He's been to fifteen countries.                but don't  botherl worry going
          B  Yes,  I  went!'ve been there                                                                  to the City Museum.  It isn't really
             twice.  I  've visited/visited Miami           How many countries has he                      worth  see/seeing.
             in 2005 and two years ago                      been to?                                    A  Yes,  I've heard  it!that before.
                                                         2  She's been living in Moscow
             I  went/'ve been to New York.                                                   16
          A  Did/Have you  enjoy/enjoyed                    for a year.                                 B  And I wouldn't  buylbuying
                                                                                                           souvenirs on the street. They're
             New York?                                   3  They've been chatting online
                                                                                                           often very bad quality.
          B  Yes,  I  had/'ve had a brilliant               since 6 o'clock.
                                                                                                        A  Thanks,  that!that's really useful.
             time there.                                 4  He's visited three art galleries               See you next week!
                                                            this month.
          A  Where's Jack?
                                                         5  I've had eight English teachers
          B  He's just  been/gone out.                      in my life.
          A   10 oid/Has he  say/said where              6  I've had my laptop for a month.
             he was going?                                                                                 Progress Portfolio 3
                                                         7  He's worked for six companies.
          B  No,  he  didn't!hasn't. But his             a  She's been working since 7 a.m.         .  -"-«--.... ~-  a:--~..-c;._:r>"i.:·o:..-...J'Wf'.JJ~·---.,__ • ..,,..., __ ...   ~   '   -
             brother  phoned/has phoned a
                                                                                                        Tick the things you can do
             few minutes ago, so maybe he's
             14 been/gone to see him.               3C  p26                                             in English.
                                                                                                        D  I can talk about travel.
                                                         a  Are these words nouns (N) or                D  I can talk about past and recent
     38  p24                                             adjectives (A)?
          Fill in the gaps with travel, get or           1  kind  A       9  fashionable                D  I can say how long something
          go on.                                         2  healthy      10  traditional                     has been happening.
                                                         3  fame         11   activity
          1  _get  back from somewhere                                                                  D  I can say and ask how many
                                                         4  honest       12  popular
          2             a trip                                                                               things have been completed.
                                                         5  sadness      13  confidence
          3             a taxi home                      6  patient      14  possible                   D  I can describe holidays.
          4             independently                    7  nature       15  modesty                    D  I can ask for,  make and respond
                                                                                                             to recommendations.
          5              off a bus                       8  comfort      16  adventurous               ..........................................
          6   --- -     a cruise                         b  Change the nouns into                      .                                       .
          7             economy class                    adjectives and the adjectives                 :  What do you need to
          8             a guided tour                    into nouns.                                   :  study again? See
                                                                                                       :  Self-study DVD-ROM 3.
          9              light                           kind > kindness                               .
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