Page 22 - Face2Face Inter
P. 22
• Gradable and strong adjectives; adverbs
a Complete the table with the strong adjectives in pink
• in the article. What other strong adjectives do you know
• that mean 'very good'?
• gradable adjectives strong adjectives
• good brilliant
• bad
• tired
• big
• difficult
• frightened
• surprised
It's a • b Match the gradable adjectives in A to the strong
adjectives in B.
nightmare! • A B
tasty small cold filthy furious delicious
Kevin Wells talks about how insomnia hot beautiful big delighted fascinated
is making his life impossible. • angry gorgeous boiling tiny
• •
've always had trouble sleeping, but these days my happy dirty enormous freezing
I insomnia is getting worse. Actually, my problem isn't
getting to sleep, it's staying asleep. Take last night, for c Look at the adverbs in blue in the article. Which of
example. I was exhausted when I went to bed at 11.00 these adverbs do we use with: gradable adjectives (G),
and I was fast asleep by 11.30. But then I woke up at strong adjectives (S)? Which adverb do we use with
3.00 after a terrible nightmare. Soon I was wide awake • both types of adjective?
and it was impossible to get back to sleep. Sometimes •
when I'm awake at that time I get extremely depressed • extremely G really absolutely
and feel like it's the end of the world. So I read a book, • incredibly very fairly
answered some emails, and finally got back to sleep at •
about 5.30. The alarm went off at seven and I went off to • d Check in IU.tfj:mij;tlj• p130 .
work feeling awful.
That's a typical night for me. I've had insomnia for so .
. a Fill in the gaps with an adverb from 7c. Use different
long I'm amazed if I ever sleep through the night, and by
adverbs where possible. Complete the sentences for you.
the end of the week I always feel really shattered. I only
get a good night's sleep when I'm on holiday- but when 1 I'm usually _____ exhausted after .. .
I do I feel absolutely fantastic the next day. 2 It's difficult for me to .. .
I know that work is part of the problem. I'm a website 3 I was delighted when .. .
designer and I have to meet deadlines every week, which 4 I've got a/an _ _ _ beautiful ...
is very stressful. It's a brilliant job and I don't want to give
it up, but I work really long hours and I'm always under 5 I think .. . is ____ delicious.
a lot of pressure. I often work at home, so it's incredibly 6 I'm interested in .. .
difficult to relax at the end of the day because there's 7 I was surprised/angry when ...
always more work I can do. Money's also a huge worry a I thought ... was _____ brilliant/awful.
for me because I've just bought a new flat and I'm getting
married soon, which will be very expensive. b Work in pairs. Take turns to say your sentences.
I've tried nearly everything to cure my insomnia, but Ask follow-up questions if possible.
nothing works for long. I started going to the gym, but it
didn't help me sleep, it just made me more exhausted. a Work in groups. Write a sleep survey. Write at least five
I have a fairly healthy diet and I don't drink coffee after questions. Use words/phrases from 1 or your own ideas.
4 p.m. any more. I've tried relaxation CDs, hypnosis,
How long does it take you to get to sleep?
online support groups - I even bought a new bed. I don't
want to start taking sleeping pills because I'm terrified b Ask other students in the class. Write the answers.
of becoming addicted to them. Perhaps it's time for me
to accept that insomnia is part of my life -then maybe I'll c Work in your groups. Compare answers.
stop worrying so much and get some sleep! d Tell the class two things you found out.