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        The authors would like to thank everyone at Cambridge University Press   Michael Rosenfeld; p.17: Alamy/Blend Images; p.18(T): DK/Barnabas Kindersley;
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        the photo and her contribution to the text in lesson 9C. Last, but certainly   London 2006/Carl AndreNAGA, New York, & DACS, London 2002; p.113(10): Richard
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                                                                                The publishers would like to thank the following illustrators:
        Malcolm Gladwell for the text on pp. 20-21 adapted from 'What is Blink   Fred Blunt, Kate Charlesworth, Inigo Montoya  (c/o Dirty Vectors),
        about?' by Malcolm Gladwell,;         Mark Duffin, Graham Kennedy, Joanne Kerr (c/o New Division),
        Guardian News & Media Ltd for the text on p. 40 adapted from 'The world   Tom Morgan-Jones, NAF (c/o Meiklejohn Illustration Agency),
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        adapted from 'Falcons combat Dubai's pigeons', BBC News report,         Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge English
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                                                                                Corpus (CEC). The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken
        The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for   and written English, which currently stands at over one billion words. It
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