Page 175 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 175

         D  Well, we can, um, sell ®the house and         what the media might find out about their   L  Yeah, of course, but it must be switched
            move to Brighton. ®It's probably worth        private lives in the future. Then where        off. It just puts me straight through to
            twice what we paid for it anyway, and         would we be?                                   voicemail.
            we'll easily be able to ® buy Rob's share   R  OK, maybe we should avoid using           A  Right.
            of the business with the profit.              celebrities.                               L  Oh, I've looked everywhere. It's not here.
         M  And what if Rob doesn't agree?             J  Am I right in thinking that we're not          Maybe I lost it last night.
         D  Oh, he will - ® he's only in it for the       planning a TV ad at this point?            A  Or someone could have taken it from
            money now, you said ® so yourself.         A  Er, probably not, no. The main problem         your bag.
        M  Well, ®it could work .. .                      with TV ads is that they're incredibly     L  Oh no, I hope not.
        D  Definitely.                                    expensive and our budget isn't very big.   A  Hey, don't panic, it's, um, oh, it's bound
        M  Well, I really do need a change, and, er,   R  Are you saying that we won't be                to be around here somewhere.
            the coffee shop is making money. As they      advertising Go! on TV at ail?              L  But someone might be using it to phone
            say, you only live once.                   A  Not initially, no.                             Australia!
         D  Absolutely!                                J  I'm not sure that's such a good idea. We   A  Oh, chill out, Louise. Let's just try and
        M  OK, let's do ®it. And who knows, maybe         need to have some kind of TV ad, I think.      work out where you left it. Then you can
            in a few years we'll be running our own    R  I'll see what I can do about increasing the    call and cancel it if you need to.
            chain of coffee shops.                        budget.                                    L  Yeah, good idea.
        D  Yes, and then Daisy's can start buying      C  I know! Why don't we give away free        A  OK, um, let's see ... we got changed in
            branches of Cafe Pronto!                      samples of Go! to commuters in the             the cloakroom after work. You definitely
                                                          morning?                                       had your mobile then - it was next to the
        @i·J:i·>11  923                                J  Yes, that could work. Everyone likes free      washbasin. And you didn't leave it in the

        JUDY  Hello, everyone, thanks for coming.         samples, and in the summer everyone's          cloakroom because someone called you
            Firstly, I'd like to welcome Roger Evans,     thirsty, especially if they're travelling.     when we left, didn't they?
            the new product manager for Go!. Roger,    R  Absolutely!                                L  Yeah, my mate Josie. That's right.
            this is Amanda, the account executive for   C  We could offer a choice of flavours too,   A  Do you remember what you did with your
            this product, and she'll be handling the      you know, strawberry, pineapple ...            phone after that?
            launch. You've already spoken to each      A  I've got an idea. How about giving away a   L  Not really, no. Where did we go next?
            other on the phone, I think.                  free glass with the Go! logo on? Then the   A  We popped into that trendy new bar for a
        ROGER  Yes, we have. Hello, Amanda. Nice          Go! logo will be on their desk at work all     drink.
            to meet you finally.                          day.                                       L  That's right.
        AMANDA  You too.                               C  Yes, I like that idea. Nice one.           A  So you may have left it on the table in the
        J  And this is Colin, our creative director.   J  Right, can we just go over this again?         bar.
        R  Nice to meet you, Colin.                       Ideas we have on the table are - viral     L  Yeah, possibly. Maybe I should call them.
                                                          marketing and ...
        COLIN  And you.                                                 A  It won't be open yet.
        J  Right, let's see what ideas we have for the   92s                                         L  Oh, yeah, you're right.
            Go! campaign. Amanda?                                                                    A  Hang on a sec. You can't have left it in
        A  Well, one thing we could do is use viral    A  Susie owns a flat in Leeds.                    the bar, because someone texted you
            marketing. You know, trying to get the     B  I think she's RENTING it. I don't think        while we were queuing outside Ritzy's
            customers to advertise the product for       she owns it.                                    nightclub.
            us themselves by telling all their friends   A  Susie owns a flat in Leeds.              L  Yeah, that's right. Then we went in, had a
            about it on the internet etc.              B  I THOUGHT she owned that flat. Tom             bit of a dance. Hey, do you remember that
        J  That sounds like a good idea. Colin?          said she didn't, but I knew I was right.        guy? The one who kept staring at us all
        C  Well, it's worth a try. When it works, it's   A  Susie owns a flat in Leeds.                  the time? He might have been waiting for
            very effective.                                                                              a chance to steal my phone.
                                                       B JAMES owns that flat. You're thinking of
        J  OK, so that's one idea. Amanda, what          the wrong person.                           A  Maybe. He was a bit weird, wasn't he?
            about the press campaign?                                                                L  Definitely. Wait a minute, did I phone for
        A  Well, we suggest full-page colour ads       A  Susie owns a flat in Leeds.                    a taxi when we left?
            in all magazines with a healthy-living     B  I thought she owned a HOUSE there.         A  No, we just stopped one in the street,
            section - women's magazines, Sunday          I don't think it's a flat.                      didn't we? And you really fancied the
            supplements, sports magazines, that kind   A  Susie owns a flat in Leeds.                    driver, if I remember rightly.
            of thing. It's a healthy product, so this   B  I think the flat's in BRADFORD. I don't   L  Well, he was quite good-looking, wasn't
            should be our target market.                 think it's in Leeds.                           he?
        J  Mmm, yes, that makes sense.                                                               A  Yeah, not bad, I suppose. Anyway, I think
        R  I wonder if it'd be a good idea to have a   92s                                              that guy in the club must have stolen it.
            celebrity advertising the product.         ANGIE  Morning, Louise. Want some                 Call the phone company now and get the
        A  Well, it depends. If you like the celebrity,   breakfast?                                    number stopped.
            you might buy the product. But if you      LOUISE  No, thanks.                           L  Oh, what a hassle. This is really going to
            can't stand the person, you probably       A  What's up? You seem a bit stressed out.       mess up my day.
            won't.                                     L  Yeah, I can't find my mobile.              A  Here, use my phone. I'll go and see if
        R  So, what you're saying is that the wrong    A  It might be in the bathroom. That's where     there's any post.
            celebrity could actually damage the           you usually leave it.                      L  Thanks a lot. Now, what number do I
            campaign?                                 L  No, it's not there, I've looked. Oh, it        call?
        A  Um, yes, I think so.                           really bugs me when I lose things. It cost   92a
        J  Colin, what do you think?                      400 quid as well!
        C  Personally, I'd rather we didn't use a      A  Did you, um, have you tried calling the    1  I think I must have / <>v/  left it at home.
            celebrity. For one thing, you never know      number?                                    2  He co•uld have / <>v/  been / bm/   to
                                                                                                       someone else .

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