Page 171 - Face2Face Uper Inter
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N And it got rave reviews. Critics such as H Art's not only about having nice things to Matrix film at the Arts Cinema. It's such
James Pearson loved it. look at, Graham. It's supposed to make a sci-fi classic. I wouldn't mind going to
G Well, he got this one wrong! us think too. The crack is supposed to that. How about you?
N But you can never tell with reviews really, make us think about life. T Er, I'd rather give that a miss, if you don't
can you? Some you agree with and some G Well, maybe it's supposed to, but it didn't mind. Seen it quite a few times already.
you don't. But I must admit, I quite like succeed. c Well, we could just go out for a meal
James Pearson as a critic. Er, so all in all, H OK - you liked the Rousseau paintings, then.
not a good production then. yeah? T Yes, that sounds good.
G Oh, Nathan, don't get us started! G Yeah. Tiger in a Tropical Storm is c Do you feel like going for an Indian meal?
N Even though it has actors in it like Peter brilliant. (It was the) First time I'd seen Or we could go for Japanese- or maybe
Harris and Maddy Benson? That's the real painting. Mexican?
surprising. They're usually very good and H Right, but when Rousseau Started to- T I'm easy. Whatever you like.
they've got amazing voices. exhibit his work, people laughed at it. c Shall we give that new Indian place a try?
G Well, yes. Peter Harris was great, like he G Well, his paintings sell for millions T I really don't mind. It's up to you.
always is, but ... now! And anyway, you can't compare c Mmm, decisions, decisions. Actually,
R No, it wasn't the actors' fault - it just Rousseau's paintings with a crack in the come to think of it, I've had curry a lot
wasn't a good musical. floor. lately. So Japanese or Mexican?
G You can say that again. And they just had H I'm not trying to. I'm just saying, ideas T I'm not bothered either way. But hurry up
these boxes on the stage which were used about art change. By the way, you know and make up your mind.
as train compartments. And that was all. my friend Hazel? c I'd prefer Mexican, I think. That OK with
R It was just so disappointing. I mean, it G Hazel Imbert? you?
had such a good cast. H Yes. I went to watch her in the Gormley T It's all the same to me, I don't mind. Just
G Yeah. But the music wasn't very good and project. make a decision.
the plot was so far-fetched. The ending G (Do) You mean the one where loads of c Of course. It's, er, it's so hard to find
was completely unrealistic. people, um, performed for an hour in anywhere to park near the Mexican
R Yes. Honestly the entire thing was so Trafalgar Square? place.
unbelievable that I, er, I actually don't H Yes, on the fourth plinth. You know, the T Chloe!
know why we stayed to the end. empty column in Trafalgar Square. c No, I was just thinking, we'd be better off
G Well, I kept thinking, you know, it'll get G Wow! Hazel did that. Why didn't you tell walking.
better, after all, so many critics loved it. me about it? T But it's pouring with rain out there.
But it's completely overrated. H Well, (it's) not your kind of thing really, is c Oh, yeah. And I didn't bring my
R Yeah, it is. I can't understand why it's it? But it was an amazing project. There umbrella.
getting so much attention. were 24 performances every day for 100 T Me, neither. Look, on second thoughts,
N Well, I can tell you didn't like it much. let's give tonight a miss and arrange
G I don't know what makes you think that, G That's, er, 2,400 people. That's a lot of something for the weekend.
Nathan! performance art! What did Hazel do? c Oh, alright.
&2 H (She) Ironed shirts. T Have you got anything on this Saturday?
c It's my mum's birthday.
G Oh! She ironed shirts!
GRAHAM ... (Are you) Still enjoying being H Yes, from midnight to 1 a.m. T OK. Well, what are you up to on Sunday?
an art teacher? G (Have you) Got any photos? c I haven't got anything planned.
HANNAH Yeah. And how's your work? H Yes, (I've) got some on my phone. And T OK, well, you know Ben, my youngest
Have you still got problems with the boss? you can see the video of it on YouTube. brother? He's got a new band together.
G No. (I've) Got a new manager now. Here's a good photo. Do you fancy going to hear them play at
H Why didn't you apply for that job? G Wow! (That's) Amazing. I couldn't do The Rocket on Sunday evening?
G I was going to, but (I) decided I didn't anything like that. I'd be so scared! (It) c Great. We could eat first. What do you
want to. (It's) Too much responsibility. Takes a lot of courage to do something fancy? Mexican, Indian, Japanese or ...
H (That was) A very wise decision. (You like that in front of all those people. (I'm) T Well, you've got three whole days to
have) Got to get the work-life balance Sorry I missed it. decide! Meanwhile, I'll go and order you
right. So, what have you been up to W!.li•>9 &s a new printer ...
recently? c Thanks, Tina. Bye.
G Well, I went to the Henri Rousseau TINA Ah, there you are, Chloe. I've been T Bye.
exhibition at Tate Modern. Did you see looking for you. -4
it? CHLOE Hi Tina. Any luck with my printer?
H No, I meant to. (I) Just didn't have the T No, it's dead, I'm afraid. I'll put in a PENNY Hi, Ben.
time. But when you were at the Tate request for a new one. Meanwhile, use BEN Hi, Penny. Look, have you got anything
did you see that work by Doris Salcedo, the one in reception. on this Sunday?
Shibboleth, the huge crack in the floor? c Right. p Not much. Why?
G (You) Couldn't miss it, could you? It was T Are you doing anything this evening? B Do you fancy coming to see my new
a 167 metre-long crack in the entrance c Nothing much. Why? band?
hall. And they call it art! (Did) You see it? T Well, I thought we could give that new p Sure. What time?
H No, (I) really wanted to, but I missed it. club a try, the one on Regent Street. Do B It starts at 8.
It was supposed to be about immigrants you want to go? It's supposed to be really p Oh no, I can't. I'm having dinner with my
in Europe, you know, separation; people good. parents.
separated by culture. c I'm sorry, but I don't feel up to going to a B Don't worry, that's OK.
G Come on, Hannah, it was a crack in the club. I've got a lot on tomorrow so I don't p Some other time, perhaps.
floor, for goodness' sake! If that was in want to be late home. Some other time, B Well, we're playing there again later in the
your flat, you'd be worried! perhaps. But they're showing the first month .
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